At least bring common sense to the table
The 111th is almost down to a single digit approval rating
Published on August 3, 2010 By BoobzTwo In US Domestic

           I have been harangued for being a Republican Party hack on almost every article I have written, for what purpose I know not. As I see it, there is a right side, a left side and the middle. Don’t you have to pick one? But I place all three groups on the left side of the scale at present in the degrees one would expect.  I did not abandon the Republican Party; they abandoned me when they decided to use the Democrat Party play book. I will be the first to admit that there are a lot of criminals (most) in their supposedly conservative ranks and would like nothing more than to be rid of them all. Don’t even get me going on the corruption and criminality in the Democrat ranks.

          You need to understand that the Democrats control both veto proof Houses of Congress and the Presidency. What this means is that no one is allowed to levee charges against Congressional members without their express prompting. And we all know how well the both Parties clean out cesspools.

A quick search of Congressional Corruption produced “The 15 most corrupt members of Congress”, (2009)

Sen. Roland Burris      (D-IL)
Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL)
Rep. Alan B. Mollohan   (D-WV)
Rep. John P. Murtha     (D-PA)
Rep. Charles B. Rangel  (D-NY)
Rep. Laura Richardson   (D-CA)
Rep. Pete Visclosky     (D-IN)
Rep. Maxine Waters      (D-CA)
Rep. Vern Buchanan      (R-FL)
Rep. Ken Calvert        (R-CA)
Rep. Nathan Deal        (R-GA)
Sen. John Ensign        (R-NV)
Rep. Jerry Lewis        (R-CA)
Sen. Mitch McConnell    (R-KY)
Rep. Don Young          (R-AK)

          This list seems to transcend racial, sexual, persuasion and Party affiliation, as they all do. So why would Pelosi and Obama single out only black Democrats to face ethics charges. I think they have an upcoming election and a plan and racism will be the meat of it.  

          I would dearly love to see the whole list of 535 536, wouldn’t you? [435 in Congress, 100 in the Senate and the nincompoop in charge.]  These people and many others are and have been under investigation for years but to a person, feign outrage and discrimination at any mention of impropriety. Seems like the cesspool that IS Congress is in fact alive and well and prospering at our expense, regardless of Pelosi’s opinion.

          I am waiting for enough people to realize that our political structure is corrupt beyond repair and that we as Real Republican and Democrats actually have much more in common now than we have differences. This is expressed through the Tea Party Patriots around the country and other such grass roots movements. If we cannot get the criminal elements and racists out of our Government, we will never get to the minor philosophical differences that separate us as a free people.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 01, 2011


Huh, I do not believe that quote even belong here (don't ask me how I did it). You seem to know where it should be so maybe if you tell me ... at least I would know too. Sorry about the confusion ... now I am confused too, no problem, it has been presenting me some aggravation of late so I am used to it. ?????

on Mar 02, 2011

What original post are you talking about,

The article itself. The one that generated the comments.

Huh, I do not believe that quote even belong here (don't ask me how I did it). You seem to know where it should be so maybe if you tell me .

The quote was from your reply #28.

on Mar 02, 2011


Yea, strange that huh. Like I said, I do not know why this comment was placed here ... it was obviously meant for another article??? Let me know if you can figure out where it was supposed to be pasted because I cannot.

I do have a plausible idea though ... I thought I was pasting something that had not yet been properly copied to my clipboard ... so it pasted whatever was there instead and I just missed it ... I have to slow down some I suppose and concentrate better (how?) ... just a WAG mind you.

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