At least bring common sense to the table
Published on February 21, 2007 By BoobzTwo In Republican
Well, I’M BACK … for those that really care. Sorry for the long delay, but I have undertaken a couple of new endeavors that have been somewhat time consuming. Truth be told (Imagine that!), I have found myself tiring of my inability to actually find people to communicate with, to compare notes and to actually debate over issues pressing our times. Instead, what I had run up against were unfounded arguments, insults, slander and vicious bickering with little or no factual basis. We are supposed to be civilized but I often find that people prefer acting like barbarians and would rather carry a club around to deal with people who refuse to be exploited or subjugated into accepting their mostly faulty conclusions based on emotions, a plethora of carrots or the dictates of others, as opposed to debating with factual information and their own dictates derived from actually making up their own minds BASED on FACTS, not on wistfulness. When did a third of our population give up one of their most cherished freedoms, the ability to live in a society where you can actually BE FREE, to make your own decisions and to chose your own course through life … with impunity, instead of having their life dictated to them?
Whenever there is more than one person involved in anything, there will be differences in opinions, eventually. Killing your opponent is not an option, nor is it advisable to browbeat them into acceptance. IDEALLY, a debate should ensue in which valid arguments based on FACTS are used to attempt to CONVINCE the opposition of the validity of your cause. Unfortunately, one of the idiosyncrasies of human beings is their dumbfound inability to capitalize on their massive brainpower and actually change their minds when presented with compelling evidence. This phenomenon is nonexistent elsewhere in the animal kingdom. Only humans have evolved to the point where they willingly defy logic and reason in their pursuit of Shangri-La, with predictable results.
Enter into the equation, POLITICS and political AGENDAS. All PARTY’s have an agenda (presumably), but here is the difference. The Republican Party tells you up front what their agenda is while the Democrat Party leaves you completely in the dark, opting instead to offer up mostly questionable tidbits to entice your vote while making sure that their agenda (Their REAL agenda), stays tucked completely out of sight. A real good question you might want to ask YOURSELF is why they operate in this clandestine manner??? Could it be that they don’t want you to know where they are headed … what their ultimate plans are for you, for all of us? You will know when you run up against these ‘brick walls’ by the almost complete ABSENSE of logic or reason in their defense of the issues (really ANY issue at all). This is where I and many others have problems with the (current) Democrat party. It is their confounding ability to evade those facts that have to be evaded, in the name of political expediency. It just defies all logic? This phenomenon is synonymous with the Democrat Party. Their leadership isn’t composed of (questionable) idiots; they just steadfastly refuse to (publically) acknowledge ANY FACTS that opposes their ultimate goals NO MATTER how much damage this presents to our (at the moment) FREE capitalist society.
Wake up and smell the roses, before it is too late. Just look around the world at other societies and ask yourself which if any you would be willing to exchange for the uniqueness that presently exists here? If you can actually find one, you can bet your bottom dollar that that IS NOT the direction the Democrats want us to reach, no matter what they say. Look at the out flux and influx of people from nations around the world; these FACTS alone should tell you all you need to know to form a reasonable and informed conclusion. At present, the decisions are in our hands, but that could change if we cannot again fine the unity that we once enjoyed.

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