At least bring common sense to the table
Our present political climate is a strange bird at best. It is puzzeling as to how we got to this stage of drastic impasse, but stranger still is the fact that large percentages of our population has been sucked up into the political nonsense as well. There is no such thing as debate in DC, no matter where you look for it. For that matter, there is virtually no debate in the general population either, go figure. I am sure there must have been a time when the Democrat Party presented some kind of platform and was willing to debate those issues to try and get their points across … but those days are all but gone and forgotten. If you doubt me, try this little test! Take any issue you please, find yourself a democrat or two and attempt to debate it with them. Mostly what you will get is HATE BUSH rhetoric.
Trying to debate the war in Iraq, will get you little more than “Bush lied about WMD’s” (even though it is common knowledge that 99% of the democrat leadership agreed whole heartedly with the analysis at the time). He WAS correct by the way. You might get a bit about a “quagmire’ or “hopelessness” or “futility” or “excessive deaths”, but you will not get any substantive facts to back up their claims. What they use as “PROOF” are politically biased reports from their bedfellows in the press. That would equate with asking Ken Lay in 2003 about the possible corruption in the Enron Empire. Poppycock!

If you try to debate the handling of enemy combatants, closing our boarders, the Patriot Act or virtually ANYTHING that pertains to National security, all you will get are unsubstantiated rhetoric about (potential) human rights violations. What you won’t hear are things like ‘for the good of the country’ or ‘the nature of war forces a CHANGE in policy’. My goodness, WE ARE AT WAR! … And wars are nothing but violations in what would be considered peacetime human rights violations.

God help you if you have the audacity to even broach the subject of GLOBAL WARMING today. This taboo will entice the most hateful (next to HATE BUSH of course) denigrating and disparaging rhetoric known to modern man. No scientific FACT, historical FACT or any other kind of FACT will even slow down the demagoguery you, your reputation, your livelihood, or your family and friends will face if you make this ‘misstep. What you will get (if you get any at all) are half truths, innuendoes and implications (NONE of which will stand the most basic scientific scrutiny) AND all of which are used as ‘inverse justification’ to support a specific end result. Most people don’t even have a clue at what is really at stake here because it is so well hidden behind the scenes. If you have an hour or so to spare and are at all interested in FACTS, take a look at this documentary, The Great Global Warming Swindle Link. The GW Gloom ‘N’ doom scenario is just a political activist’s movement and nothing more. Your curiosity ought to at least be peaked when you hear things like ‘this extraordinary HOT (or COLD, or GOOD, or BAD or UNUSUAL or STORMY) weather’ is ALL due to one cause … Global Warming (or Global Cooling as the shoe fits).

These are but a few examples, but they represent the kind of DEBATE you are likely to encounter if you find yourself in the unfortunate predicament of having to discussion something with a democrat. If you find this unpleasant undertaking happening more than you like, might I suggest a book by Ann Coulter that might help … “How to Talk to A Liberal (If You Must)”. For all practical purposes, there is little point in trying to talk to the liberal left at all because if you aren’t onboard with their socialist nonsense, they won’t pay attention to anything you say anyway, no matter how many facts you use to try and confuse them with.

on Mar 25, 2007
Good points all. Thank you for your insight.
on Mar 26, 2007
For all practical purposes, there is little point in trying to talk to the liberal left at all because if you aren’t onboard with their socialist nonsense, they won’t pay attention to anything you say anyway, no matter how many facts you use to try and confuse them with.

Spot on.