At least bring common sense to the table
Works For Me!
Published on March 29, 2007 By BoobzTwo In Republican
Just to set the record straight on why I view myself a conservative (not necessarily a present day Republican), I will go into some of my beliefs here. Many of my previous posts (elsewhere) have returned the argument that MY SOURCES are politically biased (??) and are offset by other views for instance Igor’s documentary (if you can really call it that) “An Inconvenient Truth” on global warming. I prefer to use something like “The Great Global Warming Swindle” Link instead. You see, I don’t believe that us miniscule human beings in all our supposed might and glory are even capable of causing “The end of life as we know it’ on Earth because we drive ‘gas guzzlers’ or ease our life by burning fossil fuels. Do I think we can take much better care of our environment, sure I do. Do I think we can appreciably influence the end of the world through global warming, not in a pig’s eye!

I started smoking back in the 1950’s and I was well aware that there were potential health problems with cigarette smoking; it just didn’t stop me as it was too cool. I don’t believe the lawsuits in the hundreds of billions of dollars are at all justified and I don’t hold that someone else pay for my stupidity. Well I was smart enough to eventually quit (in this century). I don’t believe that McDonalds should be held responsible for the obesity sweeping across the country and I don’t believe in the extensive frivolous lawsuits that are flourishing everywhere. I think the reverse discrimination against smokers is unconstitutional and shouldn’t be tolerated. I think that “POLITICALLY CORRECT” is anything BUT!

I don’t believe I should be FORCED to suffer the disgusting exhibition of observing 2 men or women sucking face or anything else. When 2 people of the same sex can figure out how to procreate naturally, I would consider marital rights extensions. Until that time, they are making a conscious decision and merit nothing additional. I do believe in the right to life but I don’t believe I have the right to force that PERSONAL CHOICE on anyone else and visa versa. And I do think there are exceptions as in cases of rape and incest. I think the GOVERNMENT is way too pervasive in personal affairs. If Roe Vs Wade were to just go away, well I guess that is another story.

I don’t believe there is anything constructive to gain by freely allowing illegal immigrants’ unfettered access to our country and I don’t think the ones that are here illegally should be allowed to stay, but I would be willing to consider hard case exceptions. I don’t believe that terrorists DESERVE any rights at all and should be immediately shot. If they wore a uniform, eased the burden on or protected civilians, conducted themselves civilly or observed ANY rules of engagement, maybe minimal allowances could be made, but they are truly evil incarnate and should be treated like rabid animals.

I don’t believe in affirmative action. I suppose like the unions, there was a time … But, people of all color and nationalities have proven countless times that the sky is the limit if they are willing to put in the effort. Programs like this actually promote an unwillingness to take on personal responsibility. Why should they when so many liberals are willing to give my hard earned money away. I was born in a log cabin and ran around without shoes because we couldn’t afford them. Yet, through school and hard work, I grew up to become a nuclear engineer.

I don’t believe in quitting something once I am committed, and I NEVER EVER go back on my word. I can be convinced with actual FACTS to change my opinion, but I cannot be browbeaten into changing it. I go my own way, not the way of my neighbors, political activists or political parties. I believe socialism in any of its many reincarnations is doomed to failure no matter how you try to candy coat it or try to hide it behind misleading human rights objectives. How in the world can people who profess to be so intelligent not see the flaws promoting an “everything for everyone” philosophy as the liberals are promising now?

Now taking all of this into consideration, what in the world would prompt me to consider valid anything that people like Pelosi, Reed, Clinton, Gore, Kennedy or any of the other follow the leader type, bribe me if you can, change my mind as the wind blows main stream democrats have to say. They have no platform (because it would be more difficult to randomly change their minds). They are offensed at the use of the word socialism to describe their goals (because they KNOW the negativity associated with it). They have no honor for anything but their cause. They have no respect for our capitalistic form of government (because it opposes everything they desire in a government). NO THANKS! I will stick to “Fox News” and “talk radio” for information as they haven’t (YET) found a way to silence them. Thank you very much!

on Mar 30, 2007

I think you choose your words well.  I am not sure the Republicans would fit your bill, but yes, it is conservative.  As am I.  I dont like wha thte republicans became when they had power, but I like what the democrats are even less.  Until the republicans understand the meaning of choice (as in giving voters one), I dont see them obtaining my loyalty either.  I vote for the candidate.  Most of the time, it is republican only due to a lack of choices.

I hope they realize there is more to gain in being conservative - than being democrats-lite.

on Apr 05, 2007
I agree wholeheartedly! I guess there is an additional reason I exclusively vote Republican and that is because the Democrats have a tendency to hang much closer to party dictates than the Republicans do no matter the subject matter or morality of the debate.

I truly wish we could establish a CONSERVATIVE PARTY. Then you could leave the wing nuts in the Republican Party there and get about actually working FOR the PEOPLE again. And to cut the liberals some slack, I think they would benefit drastically if they established a LIBERAL PARTY and likewise left their space shots where they are in the Democrat Party. Under these conditions, the republicans and the democrats could bash each other to their hearts content (sort of like Sunni vs. Shi'a) freeing up the Conservatives and the Liberals to reestablish an actual functioning government again … FOR THE PEOPLE!