On the one hand, the liberals and their elitist leaders are actually condemning President Bush, Republicans, American policy and the Coalition for attempting to foist our DEMOCRATIC principles on the unsuspecting innocent peoples of Iraq regardless of the fact that they repeatedly voted for it.
However, on the other hand, guess what the liberals amongst us are doing (this is sweet and typical).
They are trying to foist our DEMOCRATIC principles on the despicably culpable anything but innocent TERRORISTS who excel in the murder of innocent people worldwide and whose dearest desire is to behead AMERICANS to the last man, woman and child (including their liberal benefactors). You know those archaic people who detest everything capitalistic or democratic. Liberals would bestow the rights and privileges that hundreds of thousands of AMERICANS have died for to promote prosperity for their progeny, on those rabid animals while refusing to grant the same to the innocent Iraqis. Absolutely amazing and unfathomable in my book! --Sunday, April 01, 2007--