At least bring common sense to the table
Case: 127 :
Published on April 4, 2007 By BoobzTwo In Republican
On the one hand, the liberals and their elitist leaders are actually condemning President Bush, Republicans, American policy and the Coalition for attempting to foist our DEMOCRATIC principles on the unsuspecting innocent peoples of Iraq regardless of the fact that they repeatedly voted for it.

However, on the other hand, guess what the liberals amongst us are doing (this is sweet and typical).

They are trying to foist our DEMOCRATIC principles on the despicably culpable anything but innocent TERRORISTS who excel in the murder of innocent people worldwide and whose dearest desire is to behead AMERICANS to the last man, woman and child (including their liberal benefactors). You know those archaic people who detest everything capitalistic or democratic. Liberals would bestow the rights and privileges that hundreds of thousands of AMERICANS have died for to promote prosperity for their progeny, on those rabid animals while refusing to grant the same to the innocent Iraqis. Absolutely amazing and unfathomable in my book! --Sunday, April 01, 2007--

on Apr 05, 2007

I had to Google that to see what that was! Heh, if you open your eyes you can learn something new every day.
on Apr 05, 2007
It goes to their anthropomorphism of the terrorist.  They want them to be like us, so they think treating them like us will do just that.
on Apr 08, 2007
Sorry for the spelling error. I do all my writing in MS Word and don’t know exactly how this slipped through the cracks. Guess I was in a hurry . I will endeavor to do better in the future. All corrected now … friends???
on Apr 09, 2007
LW, sometimes you remind me of that little brat Margaret (I believe) in Denise the Menace.

on Apr 09, 2007
LW, sometimes you remind me of that little brat Margaret (I believe) in Denise the Menace.


~ducks and runs~
on Apr 09, 2007
Ah, yes, the doctor is "In." Both characters were well drawn. And good people. Be well.