I was young, naive and inexperienced.
When I was Young and all-knowing, well, I used to be a Democrat. Being young and inexperienced and gullible beyond belief, I fell prey to the Carrots they brandished for all takers. Who was I to question all the wonderful freebees they were offering … after all they were FREE, weren’t they? It seemed reasonable to me, for them to take care of THINGS in my best interest that I didn't know enough about to do for myself, after all, I was young and foolish and unworldly.
Then I spent 10 years in the NAVY from which I gained some of that experience I was lacking. A couple of trips around the world with many excursions in many countries tends to mature one. Well, like a semi-porous rock, I eventually started to realize that the word FREE is just a talking point to a liberal. It took many years to fight the brainwashing my parents instilled in me to make this jump in philosophy. I was raised with the ideals that truth and honesty would get you far in life. That, and when you gave your word, it was as good as being carved in stone. Well, like I said, I was young and gullible.
After I got out of the service, I capitalized on some of my experiences and started asking questions. It seemed that someone had to eventually pay for those programs that I was of course too young and in too good a shape to foresee a need for. So I decided to walk the middle for a while. That way I could temper the liberal smorgasbord with some conservative fiscal limitations. This worked for a while (in my mind anyway), but to my chagrin, I still wasn’t overly concerned with politics, shame on me.
The middle fence started looking shaky, like there should be something better as I found myself voting for the lesser of evils instead of on merits which were few and far between. It didn’t matter which side of the fence I was willing to vote on, it was always the lesser of evils. What I saw developing was a drastic separation between Party mores and governmental philosophy and walking the middle lost its appeal. It seemed that without any bipartisan cooperation, the Party in power dictated direction in America. There was no tempering of the extremists, except in one’s own party. I suppose it would be possible for the moderate liberals to temper their extremists, unfortunately, it seems to be the extremists that are calling all their shots and will inevitably temper the moderates.
I had to take a hard line here and decide which Party more closely mirrored my Ideals. To do that, I had to get beneath the Party’s veneer set up for public consumption. To make a long story short, my decision came down to only one issue … and that was whether I thought that capitalism should be replaced with socialism. Obviously I decided to call myself a Conservative; there was no other choice I could in good conscience make. I am amazed at the stupidity involved in promoting socialism considering there has NEVER been a successful experience in the history of mankind. The reasons why this kind of society has to fail is quite straight forward. Amazing! But, you have to give the liberals some credit because they feign going ballistic at the mere mention of the word socialism. How can anyone not in the inner elite circles support the liberals when they won’t even acknowledge their own goal? They play on emotions and offer nothing but false hopes to the poor and less fortunate. They imply and lie about things they know they cannot deliver.
Point of example A; they imply that the poor will be relieved by placing the tax burden on the rich when all this will do is lower the number of the rich available to pay everyone’s taxes. Who do you think will make this loss up? They will in effect elevate no one; they will only force the middle class into destitution along with the poor. This is how socialism works … it’s a two cast system … the rich elitists in control of all aspects of everyday life and the rest of us … and we will eventually be all there is left to support their lavishness.
Point of example B; just follow any of the contenders like Mrs. Clinton. What she stands for and wholeheartedly supports has much more to do with the particular audience she is speaking to than any principle or moral of her own. "Everyone can have everything they want ... just vote for me and my Party!" Just stop and think about this for a minute. The drastic cultural and religious differences here in the States will not permit this … it will have to be forced on us: black, white, yellow, native, male, female, Hispanic, evangelical, Israeli, Muslims, poor, rich, middleclass, capitalists, atheists, homosexuals, activists, criminals and the list goes on. The naiveté level of the liberals involved has to be astronomically ridiculous! How can everyone get what they want … they cannot, period?
Give me capitalism or give me death ... it’s all I can think of. I started out life being born in a log cabin in the hicks and ran around barefooted as a toddler … I absolutely refuse to give up all those things I have worked an entire life for and allow myself to be forced to regress to a similar state … just so the liberal elitists can become secure in their debauchery and their butchering of the constitution and America!