At least bring common sense to the table
Racism 101
Published on August 3, 2010 By BoobzTwo In US Domestic

        Well it is closing on election time and this is going to be one grand time indeed. Cries of ‘racism’, ‘It’s Bushes Fault’ and ‘It’s For the Children’ will start coming out of the woodwork. They already have in fact. But what seems to be the norm and worse around election time is that too much high octane camouflage is being spewed by all involved and the real problems and their root causes are all but forgotten and swept under the rug. Here is what I mean.

        You could try and talk about Illegal Immigration (the root cause), but all you will discuss are the illegal immigrants already here. This is somehow supposed to justify our acceptance of a continuous and unending flood of new third world ‘travelers’ into America. This should be a no brainer. We are in dire economic distress and cannot pay for the Americans living in poverty, let alone the illegals here now. There are 10’s of millions of jobs taken by illegals now and as it happens, we have over 30 million Americans unemployed, go figure. Those capitalizing on our welfare system are virtually hidden in the cracks and uncountable or so we have been made to believe.

        You could try to talk about the Global Warming Scam and the reasoning behind it but to what purpose. There are too many actual facts and figures that will just get in your way.

        You could try to talk about racism in America but will find only racists to take abuse from, armed with their new self-proclaimed vocabulary and manufactured definitions. Everyone knows who the racists are in America as they are the ones that cry “Racism” the loudest.

        You could try and talk about the housing or financial meltdowns but all you will get is mumbo-jumbo about how all the blame lies in the opposing Party, end of story.  Aren’t we just so lucky to have such bastions for honesty and ethics at work for us?

This could go on almost indefinitely but I have made my point, such as it is.

        The Democrat Party has overreached itself on fiscal irresponsibility and mismanagement of the country and its resources. They did this to themselves having complete control of the Governmental Machine and with full knowledge of the repercussions such misdemeanors and high crimes would promote. Both Democrats and Republicans seem unmindful of the wants of the American people, but you can rest assured that their re-election is always on their front burner. So what gives? Why would the controlling Party do this to themselves? … And then there was The Plan! The plan is called “Racism” and it has always worked before.

     It will not work anymore if most Americans are as fed up as I am with this racism farce and all the false accusations that are bandied about. There are those in Government and other high offices that have made their fortunes baiting the black race (racism) and many of them are white. We all know who these people are and they have to go. But as I said, good luck in finding an intelligent conversation on this subject or any of the other subjects.

on Aug 04, 2010

So what gives? Why would the controlling Party do this to themselves? … And then there was The Plan! The plan is called “Racism” and it has always worked before.

It will not work anymore if most Americans are as fed up as I am with this racism farce and all the false accusations that are bandied about.

You are dead on this one.  It is as old as human history itself.  The Boy who cried wolf.  Many Americans saw the election of Obama as an affirmation of the end of racism as an institution in America.  No one is naive enough to believe that none exist.  From the New Black Panthers to the KKK, we know that as long as there are differences in people, there will be vestiges of racism.

BUT, this administration and its toadies have used it as a club to stifle dissent.  You cannot disagree with this administration without being called racist.  And many, no most, people know that is a bald faced lie.  So when faced with the fact of a lie about racist behavior, the only conclusion for a rational person (mind numbed talking point bots excepted) is that the only institutional racism left in this country is being done by the democrats and their race hucksters.

And that is why it is now just another truism of politics.  Politicians lie, and democrats cry racism. 

on Aug 04, 2010

it's inbred in them somehow. 

 I have a very Godly black friend.  She's near 80 but everytime she gets bad service you can hear it in her voice she's believing it's because she is black.  She told me one story about receiving such bad service and made reference to it believing it was due to her color but when I said I got the same treatment (and I'm far from black) she had no answer. 

It's like they are suspicious.  Everytime something doesn't go their way they play the black trump card.  To me it's no different than a two year old having a hissy fit when they don't get their way. 

I'm not saying they are never justified, I'm just saying I'm sure it's not as wide-spread as they want to believe. 




on Aug 04, 2010

She's near 80 but everytime she gets bad service you can hear it in her voice she's believing it's because she is black.

I believe a lot of black folks have this drummed into their heads from a very young age. Your friend is old enough to have experience "institutionalized" racism first hand. For the younger folks, when the majority of leaders in their communities, who they admire or respect, say it over and over, it must be true in their mind.

I'm fortunate enough to have witnessed both young and black men overcome these hurdles. It's really a powerful moment when one realizes he (or she) is being judged on their own merit, in the eyes of someone they felt just had it in for them because of color. It is hard to throw away such a convenient crutch, but it has to be done.

It's really exciting to see some younger leaders going against the grain, like Col. West in Florida, and (can't recall his name) going against Rangle in N.Y. I like what these guys have to say. I'm not sure they will be elected, because their message is that government is not the answer to your prayers, and many of their potential constituents don't like that. They want to know what they are going to get, even though year after year they are always still left wanting. Good luck to them.