At least bring common sense to the table
Animal Rights … There is some justice after all
Published on January 5, 2011 By BoobzTwo In US Domestic


      Local Talk Radio this morning (WOKV 106.5 FM) had a great story about another starving and misunderstood burglar practicing Obama’s State policy of spreading the wealth around. Upon entering the premises (a trailer), said miscreant was interrupted absconding the personal effects of the owner of a Pit Bull who took exception to the claim. Seemingly after a short communication, the idiot decided the DOG was right after all and made a hasty exit through the window. He bled out and died on the way to the hospital, go figure. 

      One more blight on America removed from the judicial system before they can ‘reform’ him again and again and again. Sadly though, the survivors of this ‘pillar of society’ will probably seek the ‘death penalty’ for our hero (not reading dumb-dumb his Miranda Rights?) for usurping the state’s power attempting to defend the home. Then they will attempt to sue the owner and/or the maker of the trailer, window, frame, glass, mailbox, kitchen sink, etc. Liberalism had gone amuck folks, vote wisely!


on Jan 05, 2011

Your title is not correct.  While it is in America, sadly, this stuff happens in many places.  After all, it was in Australia where they had the accidental life suit.