At least bring common sense to the table
Whatever ...
Published on February 11, 2011 By BoobzTwo In US Domestic

When I write an article, I normally try to follow the theme (usually just the title) not always easy, but I try. I do not particularly care if you like my choice of words or the topics I choose, but you owe all of us here the courtesy of asking for clarification instead of lambasting me because you have decided what I was thinking. How in the world could you even guess my thoughts when you cannot understand what I am writing?

I am an Atheist (as I have stated) and as such, I am always fair game for those of all Faiths, strange that. I have found that there is always a battle to be had … if your sole intention is to seek a fight … and this is inevitably where things end up when the Bible enters the scene. There is no way for me to win that fight because, pro or con, we always end up at the exact same place buried somewhere in the bible.

I guess this is one of the imponderables in life. I am very happy and secure in my poverty and I am at peace with Nature, I suppose your equivalent would be God. I never have nor will I ever promote what (?) a ‘lack of faith’ … to anyone because I do not care how others have made their peace with … life … it is their choice … NOT yours? You on the other hand never fail to pick out some word or phrase you can instantly bend to whatever it is you want to blast, I suppose because it must be easier than actually thinking for yourselves.

Is this ridiculousness really necessary: you fault me for my self-admitted lacking in your faith … and then you pepper me with meaningless scriptures? I fail to see any point to this … please enlighten me? I am not sure, but I do not think you guys are interested in anything I really say or mean because you spend all your time trying to pretend you know what is in my mind. And sadly, it doesn’t seem to matter to you in the least if I try to clear up this nonsense beforehand … you just come back with more scriptures and such. It never ends.

I have absolutely no way to opt out of this religious prattle. I refuse to accept the Bible as anything besides a mistranslated and antiquated document until proven different with historical and empirical data … whereas you demand my faith (?), my body, my soul (?) and seemingly now you want the blood too. What part of NO is so difficult to understand?  What in the world do you expect of me when all you do is babble nonsense?  Is it really that difficult for you to just talk or chat about something all by your lonesome self?

You do not seem to understand the concepts of civility or reason (unless you are talking with one another) and you seem to have little to no common sense. I have never attacked any of you on your religious beliefs but that doesn’t even slow you guys down.  I do not need a teleprompter Bible to tell me what to say and do and I can justify pretty much everything I write about with facts and figures … and you cannot. It is that simple for me. Common sense dictates that you must not be capable of (or willing to) think on your own any more. I have no problems supporting my opinions as long as I have some clue what you are actually distracted with … which is usually never.

I know this was an effort in futility but I needed to get it off my chest. I know nothing will change (from past attempts) and the psychobabble will continue but I will not allow it distracted me anymore. Feel free to comment on my blog or not, it is up to you. But if you cannot at least pretend to be a civil human being and speak in intelligible English in real sentences that you pull out of your own thoughts, you will not hear back from me (much).

I do not care what you think, like or do and it would never occur to me to try and change any of that … Is it just too much to ask for the same from you. And you think I am living a blind … go figure. And if you find big words difficult or harsh or any other adjective you want to put here, tough shit. Ask or blather as you ‘can’ or will.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 11, 2011

it is the #1 best seller however.

I do not need a teleprompter Bible

Does that mean you believe Obama is a christian?

on Feb 11, 2011

I wonder how many are dusting up in all the motel rooms throughout the country. I never said the Bible did not contain useful or benevolent information, but if the key to saving one’s life were to be found in some other blasphemous book (whatever that might be), at least I would make it … wonder how many true believers would? I am willing to bet that most of them would too?

 Yea, I guess there is that, hehehe ... hey; at least it is a start.

on Feb 11, 2011

obviously there's a battle raging on inside you whether you admit it or not....otherwise you wouldn't have written this.



on Feb 11, 2011

KFC just go away and pester someone else, ok.  Stop by some time if you ever really want to talk about something constructive or intelligent. Get a real life too.

Just so you don’t have to worry about a sub-human atheist (that do for you?) rest assured I am well and rage-less (the way you mean). I do not go around attacking people and leaving trash comments on their articles. And I do not go around spreading any (your) bigotry or hatred. And I do not go around pretending to have usurped your Master’s power of KNOWING the heart of ALL men and proclaiming it for all to see. Think a lot about yourself don’t you … how unreligious.

Instead of acting like a spoiled petulant child, why not try this? If you do not like the title … do not open it. If you do not like the content … just go away. Works for me every time!

on Feb 11, 2011

When I want to comment on someone else’s article, I read the article and try to restrict my comments to the article, but I have found that this just doesn’t work well for me. Many do not want to do much more than shred articles seemingly only able to comment on key (flagged) words and manipulative sentence fragments. Go figure.

I don’t know about you, but I do not think or write one word at a time, piecemeal or in sentence fragments. Do you? I seldom use a thesaurus anymore (some though) because I just do not need to regularly.

When I answer or write, it comes from my heart and mind, not from a book that has been mistranslated and micro-inspected, word for word, fragment by fragment, for a thousand years by thousands of different people … whoa … seems we may have actually hit on the problem here. Is it really this simple, shame on you?

I can only surmise of course:  You guys picked up these counterproductive (IMO) and uncivil (IMO) habits as you shredded The Book for knowledge and, naturally enough, carried these habits over to your worldly interactions for the destruction of everything unbiblical. I do not enjoy religious articles because I have only one argument and you will pay no attention to it at all … I do NOT do Bible … I do, do life! and the people suffering everywhere under unnecessary oppression.

Truth be told, I use religious references in many articles not because I like to abuse religion (I do not care!), but because it is a perfect example of what mind control can achieve. I suppose we will argue this point, but no matter how much faith you have, no matter how much you believe … know this … It was never your choice to make, it was a decision made for you. Then you did all the rest yourself after the fact, been there, done that … sorry.

on Feb 11, 2011
on Feb 12, 2011

Mason, you seem to be packed with insights and all ... so where are your actual communication skills. There was of course the article and then the previous 5 comments ... and then there was your comment, sort of.

 I do not know anything about you and if left up to you (which of course it is), it seems unlikely I ever will. I don’t know if you are pro or anti religion. I don’t know if you are pro or anti SubGenius.

“ A True SubGenius, however, understands EVERYTHING, INSTANTLY upon exposure to the Word or even just the Face of Dobbs.”

“ScrubGenius is where you'll find chatty gossip, caustic humor, inner-church secrets and old-school rants by such long-time SubGenii as Rev. Stang, Rev. Susie the Floozie, Dr. Legume, etc”

As of now, I have been to exactly 1 time and unless some drastic change takes place in my life, I will die having been there only 1 time. I guess the simple concept of “I am my own (wo) man and nobody else’s” is just impossible to grasp for most. I am intelligent and my understanding comes from a lot of my own research and investigation, go figure. Instant geniuses now how quaint is that.


on Feb 12, 2011

The Bible is not the worlds rule book or Encyclopedia

Here I go again starting with your title.   It's true, absolutely true. In fact, the world hates the Bible (but not as much as it hates the Church that wrote, preserved, and is the only authentic interpreter of the Bible).

That is of course if you understand what "the world" is.

Now get comes the fun part!         What St. John in his Gosepl calls "the world"  is under the control of the Devil. The world hates the Chruch because the Church  teaches the truth about God, man and the created world. The secular, self-centered world hates the Church becasue she insists on the objectivity of truth, which btw is contained in the Holy Bible.

But the hostile world does not want to hear this. It hates it, distorts it, and rejects it. The world does not want to hear it so its leaders, atheists, materialists, and hedonists persecute the Chruch and reject the Holy Bible and those who stand up for it.




on Feb 12, 2011

I am an Atheist (as I have stated) and as such, I am always fair game for those of all Faiths, strange that.

I have absolutely no way to opt out of this religious prattle..........................What part of NO is so difficult to understand? What in the world do you expect of me when all you do is babble nonsense? Is it really that difficult for you to just talk or chat about something all by your lonesome self?

...................I have no problems supporting my opinions as long as I have some clue what you are actually distracted with … which is usually never.


This is just my observation and a thought based upon that observation.

The last three of your articles include some mention that you are an Atheist. So why include that if you are so anxious to opt out of religious prattle? Don't you know that automatically sends up a flag and as you have already observed sets you up as "fair game"?

There must be some reason why you keep telling us you are an Atheist when you could have gotten your message across without revealing that bit of information about yourself.




on Feb 12, 2011

I do NOT do Bible … I do, do life! and the people suffering everywhere under unnecessary oppression.

This reminds me of Blessed Mother Theresa at a speech she gave at Harvard, 1982.

She said:

How wonderful it is. We all along, we all want...even the disbeliever wants to love God in some way or another. ANd where is God? How do we love God, whom we do not see? To make it easy for us, to help us to love, He makes Himself the hungry one, the naked one, the homeless one."

Her words hit home for even the Harvard intelligentsia had no choice but to acknowledge someone who has grasped real wisdom....that is love of God and love of our neighbor for His sake.  Now that is truly "doing life".

on Feb 13, 2011

lulapilgrim, I love you too, but you are just as hardheaded as the rest ...

Now get comes the fun part! What St. John in his Gosepl calls "the world" is under the control of the Devil. The world hates the Chruch because the Church teaches the truth about God, man and the created world. The secular, self-centered world hates the Church becasue she insists on the objectivity of truth, which btw is contained in the Holy Bible. But the hostile world does not want to hear this. It hates it, distorts it, and rejects it. The world does not want to hear it so its leaders, atheists, materialists, and hedonists persecute the Chruch and reject the Holy Bible and those who stand up for it

This reminds me of Blessed Mother Theresa at a speech she gave at Harvard, 1982. She said: How wonderful it is. We all along, we all want...even the disbeliever wants to love God in some way or another. ANd where is God? How do we love God, whom we do not see? To make it easy for us, to help us to love, He makes Himself the hungry one, the naked one, the homeless one." Her words hit home for even the Harvard intelligentsia had no choice but to acknowledge someone who has grasped real wisdom....that is love of God and love of our neighbor for His sake. Now that is truly "doing life".

This is just my observation and a thought based upon that observation. The last three of your articles include some mention that you are an Atheist. So why include that if you are so anxious to opt out of religious prattle? Don't you know that automatically sends up a flag and as you have already observed sets you up as "fair game"? There must be some reason why you keep telling us you are an Atheist when you could have gotten your message across without revealing that bit of information about yourself.

It just does not compute but I try. I will stop pointing out my neutrality if it will make you feel better; your God only knows how many times I have tried to get a very simple concept across to the religious enthusiasts … and all you can observe is some nefarious plot against what?

The article title should have indicated to you my feelings here. If that was insufficient to get MY VIEW across, there was the article itself, but as I have repeatedly told you in several articles to no avail at all so … I should have known better. I have repeatedly told you I am a FREE AGENT and that I DO NOT CARE what you believe or why you believe it (not any more anyway).

I have NEVER said there wasn’t wisdom in your Bible or that your Bible was intrinsically evil or bad or wrong … but that did not make any difference either. I have repeatedly asked you to talk like one of us normal people who have not immersed their whole life in the Good Book and dedicated themselves to justifying every word written by your God knows who as irrefutable truth. I thought it only required ones blind faith in God’s existence … and then in step the zealots with more and more restrictions...

And in closing, I will give you MY impression of what has been transpiring.

I stated my neutrality up front and explained why … I am an atheist and I do not CARE about YOUR beliefs and repeatedly told you that they were not MY beliefs … and all to no avail. What do you think prompted this article? It never would have occurred to me to write it in the first place if one of you guys even acknowledged that I am anything besides EVIL. If you are so mentally brainwashed inefficient to even grasp the CONCEPT that of the 7 billion people on this earth, not one (ME) can POSSIBLY have a difference in philosophe just because you do not want to and your Good Book tells you that you can’t..

Why can’t you guys take out YOUR frustrations and spread YOUR hate and prattle against those that openly profess to hate you and all you stand for (infidels that you are) … but one (ME) would think with all your serenity and enlightenment and understanding and love for your fellow man, you could find it in your hearts to stop pestering me with your faith and find a sole that actually deserves your contempt … because that is just about all you nice folk have bandied my way.

No comprehension here guys. You just don’t get it. You do not (seemingly) have a choice here because your propaganda machine NEVER EVER allowed you to question anything … anything biblical at all and that just does not portend well with me in the pursuit of the truth.

No truth lies behind a wall that cannot be penetrated, investigated, questioned, justified, or even proven to exist at all; not even one simple little question?

on Feb 13, 2011

Why can’t you guys take out YOUR frustrations and spread YOUR hate and prattle against those that openly profess to hate you and all you stand for (infidels that you are)

the only one spreading hate and frustration here is you.  And you are so self deceived you even dare call yourself neutral.   By no means are you neutral.  Your words are evidence against you. 

The truth we believe has most certainly been investigated (like no other) questioned (like no other) justified and proven.  The problem here doesn't lie with the evidence but in the depraved mind who will not accept it no matter how it's presented. 




on Feb 13, 2011

This is just my observation and a thought based upon that observation. The last three of your articles include some mention that you are an Atheist. So why include that if you are so anxious to opt out of religious prattle? Don't you know that automatically sends up a flag and as you have already observed sets you up as "fair game"? There must be some reason why you keep telling us you are an Atheist when you could have gotten your message across without revealing that bit of information about yourself.

I do not owe you an explanation for anything especially considering that you have done little besides twist and turn and manipulate everything I say … what good would it do anyway, you have always refused to believe anything at all I have said or any of the explanations I have tried to present ... and I have what options here?

I JUST WANTED YOU TO BELIEVE ME and go on. I have done many, many articles and it never made any difference before I made this pronouncement ... so when I started writing again, I THOUGHT, why not try the only other option available to me, the direct approach, surely that would work right, WRONG? FYI, one of the reasons I stopped writing this past year was because you and your ilk would not allow me any peace of mind or anything more or less what I am getting now. I forgot how miserable you good people are. Now I remember … and your nonsense will not influence me to quit again.

These are some of the things you could have done:

  • You could have accepted the fact that I was Neutral and gone on,
  • You could have read the articles and attempted an actual interchange,
  • You could have commented on the (+/-) merits of the article,
  • You could have told me I was just blowing smoke and then explained why (in English, not Bible),
  • You could have but you didn’t do any of these things.

 These are the things you did:

  • TELL ME what is wrong with me and how stupid and uninformed I AM,
  • how much I HATE you and all you stand for,
  • called me a liar and a fabricator at every chance,
  • how I WANT to abandon babies in the wild and other ridiculousness,
  • how much I WANT to crush Christendom (all by my uncaring self),
  • how self-centered I AM caring for no one else besides myself and my (lack of your) faith
  • basically, that I am evil  incarnate.

What were those options I had?

It has no bearing on my atheist proclamation and you KNOW it … because we have had most of this trash talk in the past on other articles and it was always the same. I know how religious persecutions are conducted and why … and you engaged in nothing else … I know you folks can be nice and pleasant, especially chatting amongst yourselves … but you are just too conceded, self-righteous, full of HATE and prejudices and consider yourselves humanly infallible and that well, I have a lot of problems with all this nonsense.

I told you folks in the very beginning that nothing I care about or my feelings would even be considered acceptable to you and I also told you that all my attempts to make one simple point … would not alter anything, would be meaningless to you and would be scorned … and I rest my case here. I refuse to pound my head against your hypocritical walls any more. You have convinced me of the futility of trying any more. I am done here so have a nice day.

 So do not come in here and accuse ME of performing all the malicious activities you folks are practicing ... because you are all hypocrites (IMO).

on Feb 13, 2011

There must be some reason why you keep telling us you are an Atheist when you could have gotten your message across without revealing that bit of information about yourself

RIGHT, NEXT TIME I WILL JUST LIE OK just like you do and what then, we will be the best of friends? You naver gave me ANY options and you know ... I really don't care about that eithor any more.

on Feb 13, 2011

Why can’t you guys take out YOUR frustrations and spread YOUR hate and prattle against those that openly profess to hate you and all you stand for (infidels that you are)

YOU (and your ilk) have attacked my character, my integrity, my honesty, my views, my opinions, my intentions, my beliefs, my moral values, my knowledge, my big words, my articles (seemingly unread) and apparently my very existence. I cannot imagine what you would deny me if you actually knew anything at all about me, but it seems there is one thing you good people need to know to spread your trash talk … one stinking stupid little word that you apparently think is going to be the death of YOUR religion … ATHEIST. Yep by God, that is the only thing you need to know  … NEED to know … KNOW ... the only thing, how sad is that.

I on the other hand did not attack YOU or your pagan religion or your choice to believe whatever you want to, only your absolute blindness. I did not attack your character, your integrity, your honesty, your views, your opinions, your intentions, your beliefs, your moral values, your knowledge etc. only your absolute blindness.

You tell me where the hate is in all of this … but of course we already know the answer … with me???

The truth we believe has most certainly been investigated (like no other) questioned (like no other) justified and proven. The problem here doesn't lie with the evidence but in the depraved mind who will not accept it no matter how it's presented.

I take it back KFC, you are an idiot after all. I am pretty well pissed at your repeated stupidity. WHO investigated ... where is ANY empirical proof to substantiate your nonsense … and justified by whom? I will answer this one for you: There is no empirical data and as for the rest it is all done by You, your ilk and the ilk’s that came before you … that’s who. And after such a dazzling display of your open-mindedness, compassion or any other and thought inspiring genius … I am I am supposed to put stock in your ilk’s open-mindedness and compassion … NOT A CHANCE.

If you just want to spit shit which is all I have gotten, so be it. If when you continue … I will respond in kind … I am through trying to explain anything HONESTLY to you Yoyo’s anymore because … you do not actually careAND I JUST CANNOT because YOU WILL NOT ALLOW ITbecause you know all there is to know about everything there is to know about … all garnered from an antiquated document from the dawn of YOUR WORLD that tells you so in no uncertain terms.

PS. Sorry, I missed my depravity in my little rant above, I will try to be more careful in the future.

PSS. Did you know for instance (in the real world), Atheist is defined as a non-believer, a free thinker and a Humanist, but there is nary a mention of … (what and where was that list?) ones honesty, intentions, beliefs, moral values, knowledge, fortitude, big words, my articles, right or wrong or any of the other nonsense you want to slander me with (oops, mustn’t forget depravity). Must have come from The Good Book since that is where everything you have so much faith in, lies (pun intended).

PSSS. KFC, I would call your ATTENTION to the fact YOU came to MY ARTICLES and contaminated them with your gobbledygook. I wrote no religious stories, and only became boxed into all this absolute stupidity by your inability to eat, drink, sleep, breath and probably shit anything but BIBLICAL MYSTICISM. And because of this (all of this), you have absolutely NOTHING I desire or want, nor can will you offer me ANYTHING in the way of useful information sooo ..., it would make  make sense at this point (probably too much sense for you) ... so I will help you with this one too … JUST GO AWAY! I DO NOT CARE!

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