At least bring common sense to the table
Whatever ...
Published on February 11, 2011 By BoobzTwo In US Domestic

When I write an article, I normally try to follow the theme (usually just the title) not always easy, but I try. I do not particularly care if you like my choice of words or the topics I choose, but you owe all of us here the courtesy of asking for clarification instead of lambasting me because you have decided what I was thinking. How in the world could you even guess my thoughts when you cannot understand what I am writing?

I am an Atheist (as I have stated) and as such, I am always fair game for those of all Faiths, strange that. I have found that there is always a battle to be had … if your sole intention is to seek a fight … and this is inevitably where things end up when the Bible enters the scene. There is no way for me to win that fight because, pro or con, we always end up at the exact same place buried somewhere in the bible.

I guess this is one of the imponderables in life. I am very happy and secure in my poverty and I am at peace with Nature, I suppose your equivalent would be God. I never have nor will I ever promote what (?) a ‘lack of faith’ … to anyone because I do not care how others have made their peace with … life … it is their choice … NOT yours? You on the other hand never fail to pick out some word or phrase you can instantly bend to whatever it is you want to blast, I suppose because it must be easier than actually thinking for yourselves.

Is this ridiculousness really necessary: you fault me for my self-admitted lacking in your faith … and then you pepper me with meaningless scriptures? I fail to see any point to this … please enlighten me? I am not sure, but I do not think you guys are interested in anything I really say or mean because you spend all your time trying to pretend you know what is in my mind. And sadly, it doesn’t seem to matter to you in the least if I try to clear up this nonsense beforehand … you just come back with more scriptures and such. It never ends.

I have absolutely no way to opt out of this religious prattle. I refuse to accept the Bible as anything besides a mistranslated and antiquated document until proven different with historical and empirical data … whereas you demand my faith (?), my body, my soul (?) and seemingly now you want the blood too. What part of NO is so difficult to understand?  What in the world do you expect of me when all you do is babble nonsense?  Is it really that difficult for you to just talk or chat about something all by your lonesome self?

You do not seem to understand the concepts of civility or reason (unless you are talking with one another) and you seem to have little to no common sense. I have never attacked any of you on your religious beliefs but that doesn’t even slow you guys down.  I do not need a teleprompter Bible to tell me what to say and do and I can justify pretty much everything I write about with facts and figures … and you cannot. It is that simple for me. Common sense dictates that you must not be capable of (or willing to) think on your own any more. I have no problems supporting my opinions as long as I have some clue what you are actually distracted with … which is usually never.

I know this was an effort in futility but I needed to get it off my chest. I know nothing will change (from past attempts) and the psychobabble will continue but I will not allow it distracted me anymore. Feel free to comment on my blog or not, it is up to you. But if you cannot at least pretend to be a civil human being and speak in intelligible English in real sentences that you pull out of your own thoughts, you will not hear back from me (much).

I do not care what you think, like or do and it would never occur to me to try and change any of that … Is it just too much to ask for the same from you. And you think I am living a blind … go figure. And if you find big words difficult or harsh or any other adjective you want to put here, tough shit. Ask or blather as you ‘can’ or will.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Feb 27, 2011


OK, I will take your word and repeat for YOU (which I have repeatedly told YOUR friends) my facts as I (ME) see them and YOU tell me if they are acceptable.

  1. I AM an atheist.
  2. I DO NOT believe in god.
  3. YOU are an actual practicing Christian  
  4. You believe in God and the Bible as the absolute truth and whatever theology you enjoy.
  5. I DO NOT DO THEOLOGY and I DO NOT DO RELIGIONI would think this is purely COMMOM SENSE.
  6. You have the RIGHT to believe whatever you wantAND SO DO I.
  7. I do not want or desire to change or attack you or your church or anyone else (it simply doesn’t matter to me; I just want an honest discourse.
  8. I will tell you up front you WILL NOT be able to alter mine.

When I denied the existence of god, all I did was take god out of my equation (light switch on / light switch off). I did not change anything elsejust decided to make my own determinations is all. I did not become a baby killer, a liar, an ingrate, a warmonger, demented or destructive, devoid of the truth or become incapable of comprehending reality. Nor did I lose my sanity, depose myself of logic, simple common sense or the truth. In effect nothing else changed, go figure.

Personally, I see no reason why we cannot agree to these simple stipulations and go on and have meaning discourse. You said YOU do not have any problems with me being an atheistso prove in our future correspondence that this is the case

This is typical of the problems I run into:

I am watching a movie called “Blood Diamond”. That being a Hollywood concoction I am suspect at what is on the screen. But I think these atrocities are taking place and there is little emphasis on the carnage and deviation people are experiencing, right now in the world. Anyway there are many current real-time tragedies portrayed (something all of us should sink our teeth into) brainwashing included … The Point:

Starts with a black man who only wants to live in peace and properly care for his family … but that was not to be. The scene comes up where this black man is (after unheard of tragedy) assigned the task of camera man which he knows nothing about and his “friend?” is pretending to be a journalist which he knows nothing about either. As the black man is about to step on the press bus, he states that he is not a camera man and doesn’t want to make that claim (he is actually really just an honest man) … so after some discussion, his ‘radical’ friend grabs him by the collar and tells him IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that he WILL do it because it is the ONLY way he may be able to save his kidnapped son. So he eventually does and the story continues …

This is where I have always run into problems with your peers. I would say good for him, lie through your teeth if you have to, do whatever it takes … save your innocent son. And your friends would say … well let’s see what they have to say.

The whole point is that the black man had no options but to lie and it didn’t have anything at all with his beliefs or convictions … it had to do with REALITY and the rescue of his son … nothing more. It had NOTHING to do with TRUE or NOT only RIGHT  or NOT.

What say you? And since you were not involved in whatever it was I was involve in, we should not have any problems ... RIGHT?

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