At least bring common sense to the table
Published on February 18, 2011 By BoobzTwo In Politics

            We do not have two Americas nor do we have two sets of citizens. Purpose here implies a goal and how could the goal be anything besides the welfare of the American Government People? Our two Parties are supposed to blend the progressive nature of humans with the stoic attitudes that a billion years of evolution have engrained in all of us. You cannot have it one way or the other or you will get stagnation (like most of the rest of the animal kingdom) or chaos (where we are headed).

            Science, education, societal advancements in travel and communications and Igor's internet changed all that (and many other things). For the first time in history, we were being given the tools to make our own decisions and not have them dictated to us.

The ELITE throughout our past has ALWAYS had total control of the flow of information (seen our news lately) except for word of mouth and eventually that little proved enough … eventually.        It is instantaneous and available worldwide now (where PERMITTED) and this will topple Nations … I just hope we are not on that list.

What 2 Parties should NOT do is divide a Nation in half … particularly with all their views of our world. We all know they LIE and we all know they have agendas that are NOT good for America (nothing to do with what they SAY) and we all know they talk in politico-speak (sort of an inverse-meaning language) minced with legalese which itself seems highly resistant to the truth. Why would ANYONE go to these yo-yos for knowledge on such mundane things like the “Truth”, “infanticide”, “Religious anything”, “racism”, “global warming” (cooling, whatever fits), etc. Myself, I use the net and try to make up MY own mind. Not to just blow someone else’s horn.

on Feb 18, 2011

What 2 Parties should NOT do is divide a Nation in half …

Interesting point.  But I will go a bit afield and defend the politicians. I see them as less dividing than the MEDIA is.  Obama supposedly won some "red states".  In reality, he just won more states than McCain did.  The MEdia is trying to create 2 Americas - for what reason is anyone's guess.

on Feb 20, 2011

 Sorry Doc, but I hold them both accountable because neither could survive without the other. In this case, I do not care what came first the chicken or the egg. They are both polluted beyond salvation IMO. But I do believe that the Government is leading the charge to anarchy and the media is backing them all the way … I could be wrong I guess ... but does it really matter anyway does it?