This was still in my to-do list and was where I intended this series to go (never finished it) ... but never got to. I do not have any stunning solutions, just my simplistic view that if you STOP stepping on my foot, I would not feel obligated to kick you in the shin (and vice versa) ... and maybe civil discourse could result. I see now I was wrong … peace cannot be one-sided and you religious folk never offered me any peace at all. I have to assume it is of no import to you whatsoever as your lack of consideration (your FLAGS not mine) is obvious. I will not allow you to usurp my articles in the future.
Point A – All of us
Think about the meaningless things (IMO) that separate us:
- Republican vs. Democrat,
- Conservative vs. Liberal,
- Non-white vs. White,
- Poor v. Rich vs. Middle Class,
- Religion vs. Religion vs. No religion,
- Heterosexual vs. Homosexual vs. Whatever-sexual,
- Legal immigrants vs. The Illegals,
- Life vs. Death,
- Etc.
A lot of differences, or are there? It is just a matter of degree in most cases.
Think about the things we all need and want:
- Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness = Freedom (IMO)
Point B – A peaceful coexistence
The problem: We try to FORCE our ideals on everyone else … to what end? (I am right and everyone else is wrong). To what ends; disrespect, contempt, hatred or for some other nefarious reason … but never for equality or for the good of any, but a few. Until we learn to think more and feel less, we are doomed. Why not let your children run your family? Our Government is teeming with them (children) and they (the Government) are more than willing to run your family for you in their (your children’s) stead. Go figure!
The solution: Because people aren’t really that bright, we need rules to tempt us to more or less behave civilly. So let’s agree that we need overseers and enforcers for now … people being what they are. All we have to do is live our own lives and stop trying to live everyone else’s life for them. This is not a revolutionary concept … it is my interpretation of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. It is that simple, but simple seems to be out of favor at present. Allow people at least the chance to make up their own minds based on factual information.