At least bring common sense to the table
People are much more alike than not.
Published on February 19, 2011 By BoobzTwo In US Domestic

This was still in my to-do list and was where I intended this series to go (never finished it) ... but never got to. I do not have any stunning solutions, just my simplistic view that if you STOP stepping on my foot, I would not feel obligated to kick you in the shin (and vice versa) ... and maybe civil discourse could result. I see now I was wrong … peace cannot be one-sided and you religious folk never offered me any peace at all. I have to assume it is of no import to you whatsoever as your lack of consideration (your FLAGS not mine) is obvious. I will not allow you to usurp my articles in the future.

Point A – All of us

Think about the meaningless things (IMO) that separate us:

  1. Republican vs. Democrat,
  2. Conservative vs. Liberal,
  3. Non-white vs. White,
  4. Poor v. Rich vs. Middle Class,
  5. Religion vs. Religion vs. No religion,
  6. Heterosexual vs. Homosexual vs. Whatever-sexual,
  7. Legal immigrants vs. The Illegals,
  8. Life vs. Death,
  9. Etc. 

A lot of differences, or are there? It is just a matter of degree in most cases.

Think about the things we all need and want:

  1. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness = Freedom (IMO)

Point B – A peaceful coexistence

The problem: We try to FORCE our ideals on everyone else … to what end? (I am right and everyone else is wrong). To what ends; disrespect, contempt, hatred or for some other nefarious reason … but never for equality or for the good of any, but a few. Until we learn to think more and feel less, we are doomed. Why not let your children run your family? Our Government is teeming with them (children) and they (the Government) are more than willing to run your family for you in their (your children’s) stead. Go figure!

The solution: Because people aren’t really that bright, we need rules to tempt us to more or less behave civilly. So let’s agree that we need overseers and enforcers for now … people being what they are. All we have to do is live our own lives and stop trying to live everyone else’s life for them. This is not a revolutionary concept … it is my interpretation of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. It is that simple, but simple seems to be out of favor at present. Allow people at least the chance to make up their own minds based on factual information.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 20, 2011

The real solution to our problem of being human is that people need to stop thinking that we have the responsibility to keep people from making mistakes. Mistakes are part of life and it's a form of education. When you take away this education you deprive people of valuable information that is key to their survival.

(Metaphor)Once upon a time someone put their hands in fire and figured out that it burns and hurt their hand. Ever since people knew not to do this anymore because someone once made a mistake, a necessary one. But now a day rather than educating people about what they learned about fire burning they instead try to keep fire away from people to prevent them from getting burned but like every law, it is always broken and because people were not educated about fire they would then get burned.

Our society has broken the rules of nature, rather than growing into seniors after reaching adulthood they are actually going back to being like babies needing someone else to change their diapers, feed them and take care of them. "Failure is not an option" has become this Gov'ts mission for every person in this country, even if it means they do everything for them and when the day comes that we no longer have this Gov't to take care of us our society will disappear because most will simply not be ready to survive on their own.

What is the truth? The truth is none of us are right because someone will always disagree with you. The truth is no one is wrong because someone will always agree with you. The truth is there is nothing meaningless about that which separates us because like you were told on a previous article of yours, if we were all the same life would be very boring and if we were all to be the same who would we all be like, you? Or are you gonna "do as I say not as I do" force your beliefs on everyone else? Interesting how what makes us different is what allows you to rant on this website, otherwise you would either be a religious person like everyone else or everyone else would be like you and you would probably get sick of yourself. Food for thought.

on Feb 20, 2011

[quote]The real solution to our problem of being human is that people need to stop thinking that we have the responsibility to keep people from making mistakes. Mistakes are part of life and it's a form of education. When you take away this education you deprive people of valuable information that is key to their survival.[quote]

I guess there must be a reason you decided to talk about making mistakes because I didn’t. We are supposed to be talking about people here … no mistakes what? And since you are so adamant that this education is so vital to survival, what about the rest of our empirical data … you know the stuff not found between your covers? Or do you get to decide WHAT education is necessary or not too? There is no problem being human … just myriads of people who seem to HAVE the NEED to make everyone else succumb to their (YOUR) beliefs be they religious or otherwise. And it all can be summed up with “people need to stop thinking” and just believe whatever you choose for them to believe, because god told you so. Speaking about petulant children, you fit the mold perfectly.

[quote](Metaphor)Once upon a time someone put their hands in fire and figured out that it burns and hurt their hand. Ever since people knew not to do this anymore because someone once made a mistake, a necessary one. But now a day rather than educating people about what they learned about fire burning they instead try to keep fire away from people to prevent them from getting burned but like every law, it is always broken and because people were not educated about fire they would then get burned.[quote]

I suppose there is a point in here somewhere, but it doesn't apply to my article. If one is too ignorant to figure out for themselves the good and bad aspects of fire, then they deserve to get burned and as you said it normally doesn’t take more than one lesson.  Do you really believe that people need to be 'educated' in 'Fire 1.01' to be able to understand or work with it … or survive? Maybe an actual useful metaphor would have gone over better being as ignorant and uninformed as I am.

And since you brought us here, maybe you can enlighten me with your superior biblical knowledge as to a time frame when these assumptions of the discovery of fire took place considering how old the Earth is (or isn't)? Just a WAG on my part, but I believe this lesson in knowledge was learned at least 100,000 years in our past somewhere in time, when of course, the world and the universe did not exist yet ... paradoxical at best.

[quote]Our society has broken the rules of nature, rather than growing into seniors after reaching adulthood they are actually going back to being like babies needing someone else to change their diapers, feed them and take care of them. "Failure is not an option" has become this Gov'ts mission for every person in this country, even if it means they do everything for them and when the day comes that we no longer have this Gov't to take care of us our society will disappear because most will simply not be ready to survive on their own.[quote]

You see, this IS my point as it was supposed to be throughout this whole series ... but you good folks seemingly place more stock in crucifying people for their beliefs (or lack thereof) than you do in trying to understand the articles intent and at no time did you allow me to keep things out of your Arena of destruction. As this passage of yours stipulates, we are in virtual agreement ... the only thing being different is your faith and my lack of it; not knowledge or intelligence or the factual pursuit of the same ... there is just your bible your say and your opinions and by god, you have a book that indiscriminately grants you the right to the truth, period.

“The rules of nature seem to be contrary to your biblical thumping or are you going to be so kind as to allow me some say in an area I like for a change. I think not … what say you?

 "Failure is not an option" should say “Failure to comply is not an option" sort of (exactly) like your doctrine isn’t it? Take away those corrupted entities like governments and religions (at least till they mature) and people seem to do just fine … as Nature intended.

[quote]What is the truth? The truth is none of us are right because someone will always disagree with you. The truth is no one is wrong because someone will always agree with you. The truth is there is nothing meaningless about that which separates us because like you were told on a previous article of yours, if we were all the same life would be very boring and if we were all to be the same who would we all be like, you? Or are you gonna "do as I say not as I do" force your beliefs on everyone else? Interesting how what makes us different is what allows you to rant on this website, otherwise you would either be a religious person like everyone else or everyone else would be like you and you would probably get sick of yourself. Food for thought.[quote]

Sorry, but the truth has nothing to do with agreements (or disagreements) from me or you or anybody else. You make it sound like some form of democracy where your circle rules by default and therefore is the TRUTH.  Only in our case, we have a BUNCH of circles (groups) who claim possession of the truth. Try your silly rants on the Islamists or the communists or most of the rest of the world (you or I, right) and enjoy that episode. You won’t argue with them because they have their own little book of (ALL) knowledge and no meaningful progress is possible … but drag someone without a book into your arena and there can be no defense at all because of what … no available book of knowledge (counter knowledge) is available to me? I do not need a book to ‘crutch’ my way through life like you folks seem to … more power to you though.

Take your ‘right to the truth’ attitude and try and apply it to everyday life outside your biblical castle? That is my world and you keep dragging me from it and into the little paradox that you are so comfortable in … for what constructive purpose? I do not want to be there with the other mindless blathers, you don’t want me to be there eithor, and yet, that is exactly where you drag me whenever I “rant” about anything. Seemingly it has little to do at all over the content … only my lack of faith in (your) paganism.

You are full of yourself that’s for sure. What makes us different is our individualism (which you demand is the first thing one has to give up to be accepted) which we develop from birth (NOTE-the theme of my articles). You are so just so adept at dragging EVERYTHING into your Christian arena for proper disposal and that just is not where one proves anything, let alone the truth. You make all the rules, define all the terms and limit knowledge to whatever lies between the covers of your constitution. Hardly an environment in which to do anything resembling a search for the truth … only your interpretation of it … and that is supposed to apply to me too, how?

You are seemingly so comfortable in your chosen stoic (ancient) little world that everyone else is supposed to be like you OR me (does that make any sense at all, besides to you?) … you have GOT to be joking … right?

[quote]Or are you gonna "do as I say not as I do" force your beliefs on everyone else?[quote]

Even you cannot be this stupid. If there was anything to glean from my articles, especially my intent, it was the FACT that I do not care what YOU believe in or practice, more power to you. What I say actually goes more like this: “I DO AS I SAY” period within the real necessary legal constraints for social unity. How many times have I reiterated that you are free (with my blessings) to do or say or believe whatever floats your bubble … and how many times have I been TOLD “do as we say because you (I) have no choice in the matter”. You need to find someone else to try and convince who is trying to dictate to whom.

Food for thought: The truth is so fleeting in actuality that it has no real meaning because all we have to deal with are the bastardized (by human contamination) recounts of people with agendas, that have nothing to do with the truth. One of your brethren slipped and admitted that no one is the gardener of the truth … and then commenced to ignore his own statement and blast me with his book of all knowledge, go figure. I just do not know how to talk to religious folk because of their closed mindset … it is exactly the same as trying to talk to a Liberal about just about anything … their way or the highway, but after numerous names (like the good folks love to use) they at least allow me my existence … you do not. Fair or honest, I hardly think so.

on Feb 21, 2011

I guess there must be a reason you decided to talk about making mistakes because I didn’t. We are supposed to be talking about people here … no mistakes what? And since you are so adamant that this education is so vital to survival, what about the rest of our empirical data … you know the stuff not found between your covers? Or do you get to decide WHAT education is necessary or not too? There is no problem being human … just myriads of people who seem to HAVE the NEED to make everyone else succumb to their (YOUR) beliefs be they religious or otherwise. And it all can be summed up with “people need to stop thinking” and just believe whatever you choose for them to believe, because god told you so. Speaking about petulant children, you fit the mold perfectly.

Interesting, you disregard my comment about mistakes but that is exactly the problem here. I find it funny how often you point out the concept of "forcing" something on others but is that not what you are trying to do here? Hypocrisy comes to mind. It's as interesting as your previous remark about the rest of us fearing you and your beliefs when it seems that it is you the one who fears us. Your fear is so great you feel the need to attack everyone who is not like you. You insult, put down, describe as dangerous those who are not like you because you fear everyone who does not think like you.

Your articles reek with your fear as you point out everything that is wrong with everyone else but you. I do not fear life nor anyone who is alive. I could care less if you do not believe in God or if someone else's belief in God differs from mine. Believe what you want. I am not so much concerned with anyones ability to convince someone else about their belief, I am more concerned with that person being too naive to make up their own mind. If you want to insult someone try insulting those who get duped and not the ones doing the duping.

BTW, I didn't bother reading past this comment above (with the exception of the last line or 2)because for starters you need to learn to quote people. Quotes end with a / in front of the word quote, not [quote]. And also it seems, for a free minded person, you don't take anyones comments seriously at all as your the type of person who believes their opinion is the only one that counts. Your blog is not about debating, it's about your opinion being fact and everyone else's comments are pointless. None the less I enjoy watching people like you work so hard to prove your point and maintain your superiority while at the same time getting bumped around with real facts. You may think religious people are closed minded but the fact that you do not accept their beliefs makes you just as closed minded. Do you prefer to be the pot or the kettle? You need to let go of your fear and accept people for who they are. Why you have problems talking with religious people is beyond me. It's easy for me, I simply allow them to believe what they want and kindly tell them what I believe in and while we may have our difference in opinions I do not take theirs away and can only hope they do not take mine. And if they do, to bad because they can only do it in their minds because my beliefs are mine and no one else's. You have a lot to learn about life. You hold to much anger, too much negative energy and while you may think you are free minded, you really aren't as you have failed at coexisting with the rest of humanity. You have forgotten one of the most important scientific facts of life that is not even religious in nature, opposites attract , in your case you look for like minded people and that is why you fail.

Don't worry friend. You're disbelief in God will not prevent God from loving you none the less.

on Feb 21, 2011

This is another example of your manipulations. At no point in anything I have written did I even make one attempt to deny your kind of anything whatsoever … not SO for you good folk. What I have repeatedly tried to do is inflict just one little tidbitI DO NOT BELIEVE IN YOUR god, and if that is just too complicated for you to comprehend (why?)Where are we (I) to go from there? If this ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY starting point cannot be established, where are we to proceed with anything meaningful?

There is no point in this continued idiocy because you do not really care (actions speak much louder that your psychobabble) and neither do I (anymore). You refuse to comment on my articles preferring (from necessity I guess) to drag them (and me) into your ridiculous little isolated world where everything can be made to be what (?) an attack against what (your religion?) … and for proper disposal. You cannot PROVE justify anything without guidance and control from elsewhere. And you have to stay in your isolated (metaphysically anyway) world because you are NOT ALLOWED to deviate from it … I guess that is what your faith is all about. It is NOT for ME … SO WHAT!

I prefer (insist) that common sense, factual and empirical data be used for the foundations of the truth we have to deal with, not a bunch of metaphors and “wise sayings” from your peers. I am just so tired of this comprehensive justification process of yours … without the FIRST scrap of PROOF.

I guess there was another thing I wanted though: The use of my own words with my specific (or not) definitions from my own dictionary. But since there was no starting point available this seems of minor import now.


on Feb 21, 2011

This is another example of your manipulations. At no point in anything I have written did I even make one attempt to deny your kind of anything whatsoever … not SO for you good folk. What I have repeatedly tried to do is inflict just one little tidbit … I DO NOT BELIEVE IN YOUR god, and if that is just too complicated for you to comprehend (why?)Where are we (I) to go from there? If this ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY starting point cannot be established, where are we to proceed with anything meaningful?

LOL, you are too funny. If I was to try to manipulate you I would do a hell of a lot better than this. Paranoia seems to be the norm for you. Do you really fear me this much? I would have never thought. I already gathered that you don't believe in "my God" which makes me wonder if you believe in God since you said "my" God. And you say I have issues comprehending.

There is no point in this continued idiocy because you do not really care (actions speak much louder that your psychobabble) and neither do I (anymore). You refuse to comment on my articles preferring (from necessity I guess) to drag them (and me) into your ridiculous little isolated world where everything can be made to be what (?) an attack against what (your religion?) … and for proper disposal. You cannot PROVE justify anything without guidance and control from elsewhere. And you have to stay in your isolated (metaphysically anyway) world because you are NOT ALLOWED to deviate from it … I guess that is what your faith is all about. It is NOT for ME … SO WHAT!

So now my argument is idiocy? Thank you for proving my point that you're strongest argument is insults and name calling.  They say it takes one to know one so I guess you're psychobabble is as good as mine. I see you have a firm understanding of what CAPS mean in the blogging world, though I don't understand your need to yell. I would have thought you were smart enough to know that if a person does not get something than saying it louder does name make it more comprehensible. I don't care if you like my faith or not, to be honest I can accept some people just can't be saved and you are definitely part of that group. I may be Catholic, but I have no desire to waste my time trying to convince anyone of my faith, especially one who, ironically could use some, but is not, in my opinion, worthy of such a blessing.

I prefer (insist) that common sense, factual and empirical data be used for the foundations of the truth we have to deal with, not a bunch of metaphors and “wise sayings” from your peers. I am just so tired of this comprehensive justification process of yours … without the FIRST scrap of PROOF.

What you prefer (insist) does not matter because you are but one small voice in a noisy world and it will take many voices screaming the same tune to get noticed let alone anything done. If you understood reality and common sense then you would know there is no such thing as truth because truth is in the eye of the beholder and no one looks thru the same eyes. If anything religion should have taught you that as Christianity is divided into a plethora of denominations because people (humans) can't agree on what to believe in. that is why we have a justice system with different levels of punishment, because not everyone sees a crime in the same manner.

Do me a favor, when you can answer this then you can talk to me about proof. It is said that the universe started with the big bang, a collision of some sort. It is also said that every moving object has a force behind it and that this force had to come from somewhere. It is also said that everything has a beginning and an end. So, can you explain how the collision that created the universe began? What was the force that propelled the objects that collided and created the big bang? What created this force? When you cna answer that question, then we can talk about needing some kind of proof.

Hell, I'll make it even easier for you. Can you prove the existence of dark matter? According to scientist it's there but it can not be seen, detected or even proved at this point. Sound familiar doesn't it?

I guess there was another thing I wanted though: The use of my own words with my specific (or not) definitions from my own dictionary. But since there was no starting point available this seems of minor import now.

And yet you have not learned that in life we don't always get what we want.

on Feb 21, 2011

and yet you have not learned that in life we don't always get what we want.

What does this nonsense have to do with the cost of tea in china? I cannot argue with your speculations because I would first have to acknowledge their validity which of course I do not (same for your constitution and commander in chief). I do not believe i stated I want anything (except for release from your torture chambers) let alone everything I want (whatever that is supposed to mean). I have given you my views (and at times some of MY justifications for them) to no purpose at all. This obfuscation (so typical of you) is how you conduct your businessnot me.

don't worry friend. you're disbelief in god will not prevent god from loving you none the less.

I rest my case here!

on Feb 21, 2011

Do me a favor, when you can answer this then you can talk to me about proof. It is said that the universe started with the big bang, a collision of some sort. It is also said that every moving object has a force behind it and that this force had to come from somewhere. It is also said that everything has a beginning and an end. So, can you explain how the collision that created the universe began? What was the force that propelled the objects that collided and created the big bang? What created this force? When you cna answer that question, then we can talk about needing some kind of proof.

How kind of you … are you trying to squeak out of your hide-hole and enter the real world … I think not. Ok my answer.

I do not believe in the big bang theory (seemingly neither do you) so here we go again with all your speculations. Instead of acting the fool, you might have asked me instead of tell me as you very much like to do. So where do we go from here, huh?

A scientific pursuit would not contain words like “It is said” or “a collision of some sort” (which I believe is inaccurate in itself). These are the kinds of words YOU use to bully everyone else (me in particular) into discussing things on your self-imposed and bigoted plane of existence.  

Boy is this fun and education, not … but much more to my liking! If you want to believe such things, more power to you. You see, the difference between us is that I do not think we as a people are capable of knowing everything about everything (and not just because we do not), nor do I think all knowledge has any bearing on our existence or the pursuit of life. If you feel knowledgeable enough, more power to you … I do not of course.

But there is a difference here. I have my own reasons for not accepting the “Big Bang Theory” as “The Explanation” and they have nothing to do with paganism. The science is just not there (yet) so … SO WHAT!

And lastly, since you made it easy for me … Dark matter. Is there somewhere in my articles that I made claim to such fields of endeavor or education, I think not. But just in case you really had some valid point here: Dark matter is matter postulated to exist in the universe because of observed gravitational effects. It is thought to comprise a substantial part of the mass of the universe but remains as yet undetected by direct observation. Soooo … where do you want to start this discussion at?

on Feb 21, 2011

All you good people seem to only be interested in is proving my every word and thought, nay, my whole reason for existence …  is dedicated to the destruction of your Religion crutch. Maybe I have more power over you (than I want or desire) because I’m an Atheist. You seem to be having trouble with the concept I guess because the explanation is quite simple.

I know this is well over your heads, but that never stopped me did it. This should make it easier for you to comprehend, but we all know it won’t … MY WORDMY DEFINITION … period?

 ATHIEST: somebody who does not believe in God or deitiesPERIOD.

Now if you can find something in there that even addresses YOU, or your beliefs or your faith … more power to you because I sure as hell cannot.

 You do not even seem to comprehend how ludicrous your obfuscations are. It always comes back to you and your silliness. The universe is a fine topic, but I will not discuss it with you until you take the mountains off your shoulders, speak current human-speech and leave your bible out of the picture … and stop calling me names (whoa, well over the top here, sorry).

Simply put, why don’t you actually TRY to justify prove your beliefs, leave mine alone and stop boring me with this nonsense.

on Feb 21, 2011

PS- These articles were placed in “US Domestic” BECAUSE they are not religious concerns for me because I do not have any ... They were supposed to discuss life in the low income ranges and the unfair start in life they have (as opposed to say us ) from birth through adulthood … but from the first part to the last part I was not given the chance to discuss anything besides your religious nonsense and mumbo-jumbo.

The mistake I made was actually trying to explain anything at all to you because from the very beginning:

  1. You have called me a liar among many other things and slandered me on every occasion possible,
  2. you have accused me of attacks that never took place and have done nothing but attack everything ME,
  3. you refuse to believe (that I believe) anything I say and you will accept no explanations or arguments from me,
  4. you insist on defining my words for me, providing my intentions (I guess in case I forgot) and use your own  interpretation in place of my own and sadly … have never even asked for clarification on my part.

This is the last time I WILL ALLOW you vampires (for lack of a more proper word) to pollute my articles in the future with your nonsense. You have had all the fun you are going to have at my expense. Civility seems to exist only amongst yourselves where you can pat each other’s back because I have not seen any.

I have no idea at all what made me such an evil, self-serving, ignorant, hypocritical, angry, uncaring and conspiring bigot (probably missed a few) who would force my WAY on the unsuspecting world when all I did, as far as I know was to stop being a Catholic … and I suppose the devil did the rest.

What in the world does my lack of belief in some pagan god have anything to do with my morals, views, beliefs, needs, wants or desires,  good or bad intentions  or much of anything else for that matter (besides the obvious of course)? I will try one last time:

MY WORD … MY DEFINITION … period? ATHIEST: somebody who does not believe in God or deities … PERIOD.

on Feb 21, 2011

Your title:

What is the Truth?

BT posts [quote]You refuse to comment on my articles preferring (from necessity I guess) to drag them (and me) into your ridiculous little isolated world where everything can be made to be what (?) an attack against what (your religion?) …

What do you mean Charles refused to comment on your articles? Read #1 comment again. The truth is he did a good job commenting on your article. 

But evidently his response wasn't good enough for wasn't to your's not what you short, you (the one who thinks she can dictate and control people's responses) didn't like it saying:

BT posts:

I guess there must be a reason you decided to talk about making mistakes because I didn’t. We are supposed to be talking about people here … no mistakes what? And since you are so adamant that this education is so vital to survival, what about the rest of our empirical data … you know the stuff not found between your covers? ......

Then in his 4th paragraph, CharlesCS repeats your article title question....and answers it.

What is the truth? The truth is none of us are right because someone will always disagree with you. The truth is no one is wrong because someone will always agree with you. The truth is there is nothing meaningless about that which separates us because like you were told on a previous article of yours, if we were all the same life would be very boring and if we were all to be the same who would we all be like, you? Or are you gonna "do as I say not as I do" force your beliefs on everyone else? Interesting how what makes us different is what allows you to rant on this website, otherwise you would either be a religious person like everyone else or everyone else would be like you and you would probably get sick of yourself. Food for thought.

Evidently he hit a nerve with you and instead of taking his response as "food for thought",  you immediately go into attack and slam religion and religious people mode.   

I guess there must be a reason you decided to talk about making mistakes because I didn’t. We are supposed to be talking about people here … no mistakes what? And since you are so adamant that this education is so vital to survival, what about the rest of our empirical data … you know the stuff not found between your covers? Or do you get to decide WHAT education is necessary or not too? There is no problem being human … just myriads of people who seem to HAVE the NEED to make everyone else succumb to their (YOUR) beliefs be they religious or otherwise. And it all can be summed up with “people need to stop thinking” and just believe whatever you choose for them to believe, because god told you so. Speaking about petulant children, you fit the mold perfectly.

on Feb 21, 2011

Charles posts:

Why you have problems talking with religious people is beyond me.

It's fear.  It's like Pascal said, there are 2 classes of people: those who are afraid to find God and those who are afraid to lose God. I believe Atheists have a problem talking with religious people because something that we say might lead them to wanting to find or get back to God.

BT posts:

I know this is well over your heads, but that never stopped me did it. This should make it easier for you to comprehend, but we all know it won’t … MY WORD … MY DEFINITION … period? ATHIEST: somebody who does not believe in God or deities … PERIOD.

Simply put, why don’t you actually TRY to justify prove your beliefs, leave mine alone and stop boring me with this nonsense.

Ya, BT...we know the drill. Atheists can attack and slam religion and religious people 24/7 and at the same time expect that they and Atheism should be left alone.


Here's how I justify my religious beliefs against your atheistic beliefs.

The world is insufficient to explain itself. If the world had been in evolution for billions of years, it would by now be perfect and therefore would lead us all into atheism for we should look no further for God. The reality is that the world is far, far from being perfect as evil  exists. As far as evil, it coulnd't have come from matter but from something spiritual which was originally created good but by free will fell from its high estate by an original fault--that of pride..."I will not serve."  

 The denial of God leaves the problem of evil unexplained. In fact it makes its explanations impossible. Everybody seems to know who God is for they comes near to Him when conscience says this thing is right or wrong. To excape divine punishment the atheist cannot claim ignorance of God.  


As to your article, get the 3 sheres of authority, that is the family, the church, and government working in harmony with one another, and all those problems cited in your articles will be solved. The only way to have those 3 spheres of authority in harmony is through God.


Think about the things we all need and want:

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

The gist of your article hinges of the fact that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are God-given inalienable rights.

on Feb 22, 2011

What does this nonsense have to do with the cost of tea in china? I cannot argue with your speculations because I would first have to acknowledge their validity which of course I do not (same for your constitution and commander in chief). I do not believe i stated I want anything (except for release from your torture chambers) let alone everything I want (whatever that is supposed to mean). I have given you my views (and at times some of MY justifications for them) to no purpose at all. This obfuscation (so typical of you) is how you conduct your business … not me.

You are one sad strange little man. You couldn't even get the point of a simple sentence. You write so many words but say little if anything. All your (), underlinings and bold words are worthless as you simply make a lot of noise but say nothing coherent. You remind me of a woman that bitches all day and all I can do is sit there and pretend to listen.

I rest my case here!

You never had a case, only sad "opinions" that, like the truth, are worthless.

I do not believe in the big bang theory (seemingly neither do you) so here we go again with all your speculations. Instead of acting the fool, you might have asked me instead of tell me as you very much like to do. So where do we go from here, huh?

Actually I do, goes to show how much you pay attention or how little you know about how to understand anyone. No wonder you are so full of anger. You are blinded by stupidity and ignorance. Just because I believe in God does not mean I dismiss science. That is why idiots like you never amount to much as humans. That nuclear waste is getting to you already.

A scientific pursuit would not contain words like “It is said” or “a collision of some sort” (which I believe is inaccurate in itself). These are the kinds of words YOU use to bully everyone else (me in particular) into discussing things on your self-imposed and bigoted plane of existence.

I never said I was pursuing science, I asked you a question and you failed to answer it, why? Because you are nothing but a bullshitter coming here acting as if you know the truth when in reality you know nothing except how to type a bunch of words with no meaning. But hey, it takes talent to be a loser.

You are a bitch, a crybaby and a victim who keeps crying about being bullied. Pussy, grow some balls and stand up for what you believe in rather than crying to mommy every time someone questions your beliefs, integrity and existence.

PS- These articles were placed in “US Domestic” BECAUSE they are not religious concerns for me because I do not have any ... T

For a guy with no religious concerns you sure are making sure we know and understand that you are atheist. What a joke.

on Feb 22, 2011

Think about the things we all need and want: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness The gist of your article hinges of the fact that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are God-given inalienable rights.

Kinda ironic he picked that, don't you think?

on Feb 22, 2011

I meant she, I forget this is a "lady".

on Feb 22, 2011

From Lulu with love and affection, the bearer of the truth, hehehe: Right.

What do you mean Charles refused to comment on your articles? Read #1 comment again. The truth is he did a good job commenting on your article.

Neither you nor Charles read my article (at least for content), nay, you still cannot get over the title of “What is the truth” which no longer reflects the content (you folk would not allow it) and you would have known that if you had read it.

But evidently his response wasn't good enough for wasn't to your's not what you short, you (the one who thinks she can dictate and control people's responses) didn't like it saying

I could be wrong here, but I believe the author’s (that would be ME) scope of THIS article was to point out how much we are separated by foolish extreme views when in reality, we have much more in common …but then you must already know this because you both read my article, right? … And commented on its content, right? I think not. I stated that the problem is we try to FORCE out ideals on everybody else and this has what to do with making mistakes or the usefulness of fire or the origin of the universe. I guess I am just so confused and ignorant else I would not have tried to force my warped views on the all-knowing pagans.

I know this is well above your pay grade but the statement “I am right and everyone else is wrong” is a description of you good folks way of life, not mine. I know it was confusing and devious of me to use the word I here (should have used YOU instead I admit) … but that wouldn’t have changed anything anyway, go figure.

What do you mean Charles refused to comment on your articles? Read #1 comment again. The truth is he did a good job commenting on your article.

That’s nice, so even though you allow yourself to appreciate his nonsense … I am not even allowed to disagree with it … yep we can see here how disingenuous I am, trying to force myself on everyone else, shame on me.

Then in his 4th paragraph, CharlesCS repeats your article title question....and answers it

What is the truth? The truth is none of us are right because someone will always disagree with you. The truth is no one is wrong because someone will always agree with you. The truth is there is nothing meaningless about that which separates us because like you were told on a previous article of yours, if we were all the same life would be very boring and if we were all to be the same who would we all be like, you?
Then in his 4th paragraph, CharlesCS repeats your article title question....and answers it

Is this your description of the truth too … no wonder you folks are so confused. The truth no matter who you are or what you believe has absolutely nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing. I am sure I mentioned this elsewhere … cannot keep up anymore.

Incidentally, the Title of the Series IS “What is the truth” but the topic under discussion IS “People are much more alike than not. And with your thorough reading of my article (yea, right) where was it you think some constructiveness was expressed concerning the article itself? The only nerve hit here was one of disbelief in your stupidity and self-righteous sanctity.

It's fear. It's like Pascal said, there are 2 classes of people: those who are afraid to find God and those who are afraid to lose God. I believe Atheists have a problem talking with religious people because something that we say might lead them to wanting to find or get back to God.

That’s nice, so because Master Pascal stated that there are only 2 classes of people, I am supposed to what … go along with it, pretend there is some truth there somewhere or am I supposed to drop to my knees, shout hurray for such revilations or … what? I do not know who this figure is (do not care) and I can place no more value on whatever some other zealot says than I could glean useful information from a rock.

I do indeed agree it is fear is the driving force here … but then, what was it you said, I am afraid that you kindly folk might convince me to submit myself back into slavery … what a joke; If that were possible (hehehe), your kind words of encouragement and your compassion and thoughtfulness would have been more than enough on its own, to convince me that I cannot belong in your circle of ignorance.

Here's how I justify my religious beliefs against your atheistic beliefs.

Oh this should be real good, hehehe.

The world is insufficient to explain itself. If the world had been in evolution for billions of years, it would by now be perfect and therefore would lead us all into atheism for we should look no further for God. The reality is that the world is far, far from being perfect as evil exists. As far as evil, it couldn’t have come from matter but from something spiritual which was originally created good but by free will fell from its high estate by an original fault--that of pride..."I will not serve." The denial of God leaves the problem of evil unexplained. In fact it makes its explanations impossible. Everybody seems to know who God is for they come near to Him when conscience says this thing is right or wrong. To escape divine punishment the atheist cannot claim ignorance of God.

I assume by the world you mean MAN and his knowledge of it, whatever. It would seem that you have much too many constraints to be able to live your life in peace. Everything has to be disassembled and reconstructed in biblical-speak. Everything has to have a nice neat explanation (yours of course) and everything has to be discussed within your verbal torture chambers.

You sweeties, so full of love and compassion, are just too good and knowledgeable for me.

  • You will not allow me to disbelieve in your pagan god … Why … Just because you believe it?
  • You will not allow me to be a simple Atheist … Why … just because you are not?
  • You will not allow me my belief in science as opposed to your speculations … Why … Do you have a problem understanding the difference between proving something and justifying it? You PROVE something so that others will understand it … you JUSTIFY something when you cannot prove it but want to impress fools that you can.

You human’ wonders’ have pitted your religious doctrine against my Atheist agenda I suppose for some purpose. I would be interested in what my agenda is so that I can follow it a little better. My AGENDA (IMO, but we know how little you value that) as it were, is this: I DO NOT BELIEVE IN ANY GOD. Why am I obligated, no required to somehow give credence to your chosen idol? (There are many Idols to choose from you know).

You numbskulls wasted all this time and effort (me too I suppose, but for different reasons) in browbeating me with your bigoted views since the moment you learned (I told you, remember, repeatedly) that I was an atheist … Why?

I still do not understand why nor how my lack of faith has any bearing at all on you, your beliefs, your silly church or your communist manifesto … can you please enlighten me here? All I had to do to really piss you off (whatever you are?), is tell you I do not believe in GOD … and this miraculous revelation somehow transformed me from that moment on, and I became some sub-species with no reasonable ideas, intelligence, virtue, morals, points of view, concerns (you know those things real human beings are allotted). No, it doesn’t make any sense to me anyway.

And all this insight was all gleaned from a simple self-explaining statement … “I am an atheist”, go figure.

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