At least bring common sense to the table
People are much more alike than not.
Published on February 19, 2011 By BoobzTwo In US Domestic

This was still in my to-do list and was where I intended this series to go (never finished it) ... but never got to. I do not have any stunning solutions, just my simplistic view that if you STOP stepping on my foot, I would not feel obligated to kick you in the shin (and vice versa) ... and maybe civil discourse could result. I see now I was wrong … peace cannot be one-sided and you religious folk never offered me any peace at all. I have to assume it is of no import to you whatsoever as your lack of consideration (your FLAGS not mine) is obvious. I will not allow you to usurp my articles in the future.

Point A – All of us

Think about the meaningless things (IMO) that separate us:

  1. Republican vs. Democrat,
  2. Conservative vs. Liberal,
  3. Non-white vs. White,
  4. Poor v. Rich vs. Middle Class,
  5. Religion vs. Religion vs. No religion,
  6. Heterosexual vs. Homosexual vs. Whatever-sexual,
  7. Legal immigrants vs. The Illegals,
  8. Life vs. Death,
  9. Etc. 

A lot of differences, or are there? It is just a matter of degree in most cases.

Think about the things we all need and want:

  1. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness = Freedom (IMO)

Point B – A peaceful coexistence

The problem: We try to FORCE our ideals on everyone else … to what end? (I am right and everyone else is wrong). To what ends; disrespect, contempt, hatred or for some other nefarious reason … but never for equality or for the good of any, but a few. Until we learn to think more and feel less, we are doomed. Why not let your children run your family? Our Government is teeming with them (children) and they (the Government) are more than willing to run your family for you in their (your children’s) stead. Go figure!

The solution: Because people aren’t really that bright, we need rules to tempt us to more or less behave civilly. So let’s agree that we need overseers and enforcers for now … people being what they are. All we have to do is live our own lives and stop trying to live everyone else’s life for them. This is not a revolutionary concept … it is my interpretation of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. It is that simple, but simple seems to be out of favor at present. Allow people at least the chance to make up their own minds based on factual information.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 22, 2011

From Lulu with love and affection

First, it's no big deal, but it's Lulapilgrim, Lula for got the love and affection part right though!


Neither you nor Charles read my article (at least for content),

 First the charge of refusing to comment on your article, now we didn't read it for content! You poor dear, get over it..we read it and commented on it as we want.

That’s nice, so even though you allow yourself to appreciate his nonsense … I am not even allowed to disagree with it … yep we can see here how disingenuous I am, trying to force myself on everyone else, shame on me.

 No problem with disagreeing as long as it's done in a civil tone and manner. But that's not what this is about.

Your MO is clear. You shape the discussion by telling of your displeasure, complaining about our comments, followed most every time with insults and slams against us and our religion.


Here are just 2 examples....first your point and then your insult or slam.....

Starting with the content of the article itself....

The problem: We try to FORCE our ideals on everyone else … to what end? (I am right and everyone else is wrong).

I guess there must be a reason you decided to talk about making mistakes because I didn’t. We are supposed to be talking about people here … no mistakes what? And since you are so adamant that this education is so vital to survival, what about the rest of our empirical data … you know the stuff not found between your covers? Or do you get to decide WHAT education is necessary or not too? There is no problem being human … just myriads of people who seem to HAVE the NEED to make everyone else succumb to their (YOUR) beliefs be they religious or otherwise. And it all can be summed up with “people need to stop thinking” and just believe whatever you choose for them to believe, because god told you so. Speaking about petulant children, you fit the mold perfectly.

You numbskulls wasted all this time and effort (me too I suppose, but for different reasons) in browbeating me with your bigoted views since the moment you learned (I told you, remember, repeatedly) that I was an atheist … Why?

Read your articles and comments. It's evident from the getgo that you are the one who is trying to browbeat. I am willing to consider your views but will not let your insults and slams go without notice or comment.

on Feb 22, 2011

Then in his 4th paragraph, CharlesCS repeats your article title question....and answers it

What is the truth? The truth is none of us are right because someone will always disagree with you. The truth is no one is wrong because someone will always agree with you. The truth is there is nothing meaningless about that which separates us because like you were told on a previous article of yours, if we were all the same life would be very boring and if we were all to be the same who would we all be like, you?

Is this your description of the truth too … no wonder you folks are so confused.

No, this is Charles response, not mine. Why do you ask when I've already given 3 times now my description of truth?

To me, truth is objective. It’s something we discover in reality. Truth isn’t under man’s control because man does not create truth. The world doesn’t want to hear truth and we only have to look at the how Obama and Pelosi reacted to the reality of the Nov. 2 shellacking to understand this point. 

Truth is truth even if you don't believe it. Truth is neither yours nor mine. It is independent of each of us.  We hold things because they are true. They are not true because we happen to believe them. Truth is consistent. If you have the truth on a given subject and my ideas conflict with yours, then I do not possess the truth. And if I’m right, then  you haven’t got the truth. Truth can be found only by sincerely seeking it.


Lula posts:

Here's how I justify my religious beliefs against your atheistic beliefs.

The world is insufficient to explain itself. If the world had been in evolution for billions of years, it would by now be perfect and therefore would lead us all into atheism for we should look no further for God. The reality is that the world is far, far from being perfect as evil exists. As far as evil, it couldn’t have come from matter but from something spiritual which was originally created good but by free will fell from its high estate by an original fault--that of pride..."I will not serve." The denial of God leaves the problem of evil unexplained. In fact it makes its explanations impossible. Everybody seems to know who God is for they come near to Him when conscience says this thing is right or wrong. To escape divine punishment the atheist cannot claim ignorance of God.


I assume by the world you mean MAN and his knowledge of it, whatever. It would seem that you have much too many constraints to be able to live your life in peace. Everything has to be disassembled and reconstructed in biblical-speak. Everything has to have a nice neat explanation (yours of course) and everything has to be discussed within your verbal torture chambers.


Here's you with your typical MO once more. You obviously don't like what I said, but instead of refuting it; you criticise me, then slam my religion. 

Yes, by "the world" I mean man and his finite knowledge of it, and I also mean nature .....nature is insufficient to explain itself. If the world (nature) had been in evolution for billions of years, it would by now be perfect and therefore would lead us all into atheism for we should look no further for God. Then I brought up evil calling it a reality that didn't come from matter evolving over billions of years. Then I brought up conscience....Tackle that why don't you? Refute it, if you can.



on Feb 22, 2011

Your silly charge that I didn't read your article for content doesn't hold water.

You gave your solution and in response to that I gave mine...

As to your article, get the 3 sheres of authority, that is the family, the church, and government working in harmony with one another, and all those problems cited in your articles will be solved. The only way to have those 3 spheres of authority in harmony is through God.

Also you wrote:

Think about the things we all need and want:

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

And to that I responded:

The gist of your article hinges of the fact that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are God-given inalienable rights.


on Feb 22, 2011

I could be wrong here, but I believe the author’s (that would be ME) scope of THIS article was to point out how much we are separated by foolish extreme views when in reality, we have much more in common …


Truth and reality is we are separated by extreme views and they aren't foolish or meaningless.


Let's take these from your list..

Think about the meaningless things (IMO) that separate us:

Republican vs. Democrat,

Conservative vs. Liberal,

Religion vs. Religion vs. No religion,

Heterosexual vs. Homosexual vs. Whatever-sexual,

Legal immigrants vs. The Illegals,

Life vs. Death,

Yes on the whole Republicans and Democrats are separated and it's not meaningless that they are.

Yes, Conservatives and Conservatism and Liberals and Liberalism are separated and it's not meaningless that they are.

Yes,  one religion is different from another..are separated and it's not meaningless that they are.  

Yes, lifestyles are separated and it's not meaningless that they are.

Yes, legal immigrants are separated from illegals and it's not meaningless that they are.

Yes, life and death issues are separated from each other and it's not meaningless that they are.

In short, there are reasons for things to be separated and they are not meaningless.

on Feb 22, 2011

What a joke.

Agreed ... can we proceed to something meaningful now … please?

Well, since you are such a proponent of the "Big Bang Theory", maybe you should have told me all about it as it is so in line with my article instead of asking me about it ... I am always open to new information to refine my beliefs but I believe you missed the word “Theory” in there when you demanded I prove it to you (?) … how childish and petulant you Christians are. If you were so knowledgeable (believing in it and all that), should at least read it and try and get it right … too much to ask I suppose?

You are one sad strange little man. You couldn't even get the point of a simple sentence.

It might be easier for me (struggling as I am) if you had actually MADE some point. Personally, I take it as a given that people do little else anymore besides make mistakes … sorry you felt the need to ramble on over it. FIRE … interesting, but YOU failed to point out the time frame of this wonderment. I do NOT feel inclined to play your games or to offer you solace because  … humans make mistakes … and you need to be patronized with this mind boggling concept?

All your (), underlinings and bold words are worthless as you simply make a lot of noise but say nothing coherent.

So I’m here in my miserable nasty world hole … tell me is there some document that I need to read to know which words I can use (or not) or what are even acceptable punctuations and such … I missed your justification … could you define worthless here … you sure are silly. I find the word coherent a strange word indeed for the mind dead to utter. What

You remind me of a woman that bitches all day and all I can do is sit there and pretend to listen.

This is all you seem to be able to do anyway … pretend to listen; yea that explains sooo much …

You never had a case, only sad "opinions" that, like the truth, are worthless.

There is nothing worthless about the truth, only most of the things that are being portrayed as the truth … and sad sack, I have told you from the very beginning that all I have presented are my opinions and they are what I write about … Well this is progress of sorts, at least you seem to be willing to allow me my own sad opinions at long last … yea, progress.

Actually I do, goes to show how much you pay attention or how little you know about how to understand anyone.

Since you BELIEVE in this theory (is that possible for you?), you might want to brush up on the facts available to you first. And I am quite aware of your intentions with all this nonsense (and so do you) so stop being so boring. You did NOT say or indicate in any way how you felt about this, oh so sorry, but you did present it as a challenge with which you hoped to twist more of my words to then beat me over the head (with my precious science) … that’s how I saw it … but in all your infamy, you NEVER expected me to reserve my judgment until such time they remove the theory part. So in you trot with your pitiful attempt to make this stupid statement … when we “(BOTH KNOW)” that YOU KNOW absolutely NOTHING about ANYTHING that DOESN’T contain the word god … what foolish people you are.

I never said I was pursuing science, I asked you a question and you failed to answer it, why?

Well, good for you, because I did not either … any wonder why you are so confused. Now if you really wanted to discuss the universe (or whatnot) which of course you didn’t … then you WILL be talking science or you will not be talking to me. You kindred souls really need to keep yourself isolated and stay away from SCIENCE, like you have been instructed to do … and stop playing games.

There is no reason at all why we cannot have a good conversation on the wonders of the universe … but you are either incapable of plain normal talk or just refuse to … because you are totally out of YOUR environment of confusion there (I like that!).

Let’s see: that is a pretty star, I know that constellation, know how far away whatever is, is and on and on to pleasant communications … but NOooo …  the only topic open to discussion is god … so much for this idea … just brainstorming here is all.

Because you are nothing but a bullshitter coming here acting as if you know the truth when in reality you know nothing except how to type a bunch of words with no meaning.

My-oh-my, are we peeved here or what, sooo sorry, hehehe. Bullshitter: use words that are stupid or not true, yep that’s me alright. Here we go with the truth again. The only truth I want you to try and comprehend (feel free to go ask for help) is THERE IS NO GOD. Ok, where do you want to go from here?

But hey, it takes talent to be a loser.

You and I can agree here at long last (this is the big one Elizabeth), but not as you would have it, sorry. Have we already gotten to the inevitable point where you peaches just start calling people names and slandering them? I knew we were headed here, because this is always where you go when your bigotry is exposed, eventually.

You are a bitch, a crybaby and a victim who keeps crying about being bullied.

I am indeed a bitch make no doubt about it … crybaby: an offensive term for someone (me I see), especially a child who cry’s and complains a lot … victim: someone who is hurt or killed … hehe, hehehe, hehehehe … bullied: the victim of an aggressive people who intimidate or mistreat a weaker person (that would be me, huh), humm, is that what you call your words of all knowledge (TRUTHs) for hope, enlightenment, encouragements, wisdom, welcome into the flock promo and the rest of the gobbledygook you use as excuses for your lack of civility and your inability to be serious seemingly at every FLAGGED word … if the shoe fits, take it out of your mouth and wear it.

Pussy, grow some balls and stand up for what you believe in rather than crying to mommy every time someone questions your beliefs, integrity and existence.

Interesting observation … silly provocative miscreants that you are, hehehe … somewhere in all your BS’s, do you not recall me telling you that I do not believe in god? Ok, made my point on page 1 and all the rest was your baby … also on page 3 …page 4 … page 6 … page 9 … page 10 … etc. Let me know when you actually have one to make.

For a guy with no religious concerns you sure are making sure we know and understand that you are atheist. What a joke.

Man, you guys are unmerciful to say the least, how amusing is this, hehehe. Let me refresh your short memory, hehehe:

Your statement part A: Pussy, grow some balls and stand up for what you believe in rather than crying to mommy every time someone questions your beliefs, integrity and existence

Your statement part B: For a guy with no religious concerns you sure are making sure we know and understand that you are atheist.

            … Is there some middle ground here for me … damned if I do and damned if I don’t … yep that is the way of the good people, hehehe … get a real life!

I meant she, I forget this is a "lady".

Yep you got me pegged all right: You know everything about me, my thoughts, inspirations and (list here) … but this gender thing is just so confusing … but everything else is good to go with … the destruction of the infidel and all that sport, hehehe

What a joke.

                Yep! Couldn’t have said it better myself.

You yo-yo's tired of this nonsense yet ... WAG ... NO

on Feb 22, 2011

My goodness Lulu … this is much better. Please try to be careful with extremes though. It was not my attempt to imply that differences were unnecessary as I do not believe that is even possible. What I was trying to say was that it is ALWAYS the extremist in the indiscriminate list (all sides) that seem to dictate policy (don’t make much sense to me though). It is these miscreants that pollute the very concept of cooperation and accord. And people being what they are (we all know) are easily manipulated away from harmony or even an honest exchange. And the hate follows just as planned (cynicism I know … I cannot help myself, sorry) and here we are.

The end of the article was a simplistic (unschooled) attempt to include everyone who actually wants sanity returned to their lives.  I couldn’t figure a better way of saying it besides freedom (Life, Liberty, and Happiness),  what we all want in some form or another. And the people are not doomed … they are just running out of time to elect the people who can reverse our plunge into really bad times.

And yes Lulu, I forgive you your religious plug (I know, you can’t help it either), go figure

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