At least bring common sense to the table
… the movie – 2004 – By Michael Moore
Published on May 4, 2011 By BoobzTwo In Politics

I must confess that I actually thought I hated this man and everything he was about until I started experiencing an overload of inaccurate and fictitious information the USG keeps pounding out and calling it the truth … so I decided to try an independent review of what I thought I knew and didn’t really. So I never watched or read anything Moore was involved with but I was more than willing to tell you how screwed up he was. So I rented the movie from Netflix and watched it … and I was amazed.

I have watched it twice now and I cannot find one shred of much information that is not factual or accurate. Beyond some idiosyncrasies in his sense of humor (they are funny); he presents very valid arguments and backs them up with documentation and interviews. He brings to light many of the things I have discovered in my own research into deceit, terrorism and the USG.

When I was a liberal (before I knew better) the only accurate information had to come from another liberal else it was a lie??? Later when I made my second mistake and became a conservative I learned the error of my ways … the truth could only be had from like ilk … so imagine my confusion when I called the neolibs and neocons for what they are and went independent. Suddenly, I have no source of valid information at all now (seemingly hehehe). I have had no success at all trying to walk the moderate tightrope between all the sharks without one side or the other dragging me down, go figure.

As far as Democrats/Republicans are concerned, their only care about the independent majority is how many they can acquire each election. But no matter which side is the best recruiter or who gets most independent votes … matters that concern the moderates will largely be ignored or sidelined and the neo-politicians will go their own course virtually unrestricted and completely unaccountable.

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on May 20, 2011

Put the answers into a video game for the zombies. 2 minutes without something blowing up and you lost 'em.   

on May 20, 2011

  Reply #251   myfist0
Great source of info. At some point I will have to go into Iran (hopefully before they are invaded) and especially the Shaw ... but I do not think many JU moon bats will have anything different to say about that atrocity either … hook, line, sinker and the whole pole. I’ll bet most have no idea why I am stating this, hehehe.

Fact – The drug production in Afghanistan has increased by 4,400% since the USG brought democracy and freedom there, hum!

on May 20, 2011

Put the answers into a video game for the zombies. 2 minutes without something blowing up and you lost 'em.
Silly, all the answers are already loaded in the games. I prefer 1st person shooters myself (UT, Half Life), but the theme is always the same. Might makes right and woe be unto the weak who dare to believe their rights are nearly as important as 'might's rights? ‘Might’ = USG.

on May 20, 2011

Hey Myfist0  whats really scary about that caller is that the caller is probably (still) clueless about all the gaps in logic he stated in an amazingly short period of time.  Zombies do walk among us, and have learned how to use phones.  If only universal kindness were as efficient.  

on May 20, 2011

I liked RTS, Stronghold was a great castle sim. If I taxed my people to much or over worked them they would leave my town and go work for the next king. So I mass my army, storm his castle and kill and torture everyone, happier now f@#Kers? Not to mention I got new mines to rape without having to buy at market price.   


Ya that DJ cracked me up  

on May 20, 2011

This is what happens when we go to the voting booths ...

on May 20, 2011


Quoting kyogre12,
reply 252
There is a not-so-fine line seperating healthy skepticism of the government and crazy. This thread has blown past that line Maybe instead of yapping about conspiracy crazyness, you could actually look at some of the information provided and explain why they are crazy ... Or even better still, how about stating what you as a sane pereson believe in the USG byline. Beliving what the USG says, based on what it does ... is insanity. If you actually believe their rhetoric, what can I say?

Yeah... no. I know full well that no matter what I (or anyone else) say, it will not change your opinion in the slightest.

on May 20, 2011

Where's my bunker buster round? cause... it seems... that's what's BT opinion seems to be made out of... lol kidding now. ugh... I need some sleep... @_@

on May 20, 2011

Agreed, and we don't show the civilian casualties either. They should all be shone, what we are supposed to hide. The real cost of war when one's involvement isn’t through a TV set is horrible and the American people should be able to see what the USG is doing in their name … all that freedom and democracy stuff. How long do you think a war would last then, I wonder?


Yes, because your need to see it should take priority over someone elses right to privacy as they grieve over their national spectacle on TV.

on May 20, 2011

Oh man, I love this thread! It provides me so much entertainment for me every day! Conspiracy nuts are my favorite kind of crazy

There is a not-so-fine line seperating healthy skepticism of the government and crazy. This thread has blown past that line

Yeah... no. I know full well that no matter what I (or anyone else) say, it will not change your opinion in the slightest.
Why you couldn't even change your own mind with such shattering intelligence and knowledge… and you are somehow supposed to change my opinions … how, is there no end to the braggadocio?

on May 20, 2011

Yes, because your need to see it should take priority over someone elses right to privacy as they grieve over their national spectacle on TV.
When my husband died earlier this year, I went to the church, the funeral home and the grave site and I paid my respects and kissed him good bye. I didn't go to the hospital to watch him being moved around here and there because there was no expectation of privacy. Even had I had it, I would not have gone. So you can use the talking points all you want, but I suggest you pay more attention to your own rights because we are losing them ‘right’ and ‘left’. Silly boy, I don't need to see it, I look often at the victims (theirs and especially ours) of our kind of freedom.  I just think everyone should be made to understand the cost of war.

EternalRequiem, I will gladly ship you some sleeping pills … geeze???

on May 20, 2011

There is plenty to criticize about any government--certainly the US is a big target for that.  Having said that though, the idea that a cabal of all-powerful, arch-evil, government savants is secretly organized to strip all men of their freedom and secretly control their minds like play things is a bit of a stretch.  I could accuse the makers of Coca-Cola of doing the same thing.

Individuals do individually selfish/ambitious things and when you get a group of like-minded individuals together who share negative e traits, the temptation to bend the rules is strong with that sort.  That's not a "government conspiracy"--it's a group of corrupt individuals who eventually get outed or caught because sooner or later the people who won't go along with them find out.

As dumb as politicians are, how many do you really believe are capable of being "Illuminati" and prepped to enslave mankind?  They have a hard enough time functioning on a basic level. The more power an individual or group has, the greater the possible magnitude of their errors. So comparing the US government to Hitler is a stretch.

If you want that sort of example, look to people like..Hitler.  Or how about Mao Tse Tung or Joseph Stalin who killed more than Hitler's government did during the entire war?  Look to Assad Jr. and Sr. or at what Vladimir Putin did before Russia was "gentrified".  Read about Sadaam  or a lot of these other "poor victim" countries.

The US is just a big fat juicy target for criticism but there are a lot bigger targets to be found for real absolute condemnation and contempt.

I'm not endorsing what we are doing--I'd like to see it change and could critique too--and I do by writing and speaking to congressmen and those I know.  This pure unreasoning hatred of one's on government is a separate problem all of its own.  Go watch Mad Max and see what sort of life you'll have with "freedom".



on May 20, 2011


"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure-one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." - David Rockefeller

These people who meet at Bildeberger meetings, closed to the press btw, aren't talking about who won American Idol last week. They are the architects - their primary tools are propaganda and control of debt/money.

on May 20, 2011

Of course there is a cost to war, you think I don't know that? When narrow-minded people like Michael Moore use a microscope and a projector to present an argument, I won't give the argument much merit because it isn't a camera that is taking a look at the big picture, sorry.

on May 20, 2011

Of course there is a cost to war, you think I don't know that? When narrow-minded people like Michael Moore use a microscope and a projector to present an argument, I won't give the argument much merit because it isn't a camera that is taking a look at the big picture, sorry.
I really don't know what you know? But when narrow minded people like you look at Michael Moore under a microscope ... whatever did you think you would find? But Moore doesn't make policy and he doesn’t fabricate wars and he doesn't send our children off to die and to kill other people because he wants to … bring anyone else to mind though? ... and Moore is the bad guy, go figure?

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