At least bring common sense to the table
… the movie – 2004 – By Michael Moore
Published on May 4, 2011 By BoobzTwo In Politics

I must confess that I actually thought I hated this man and everything he was about until I started experiencing an overload of inaccurate and fictitious information the USG keeps pounding out and calling it the truth … so I decided to try an independent review of what I thought I knew and didn’t really. So I never watched or read anything Moore was involved with but I was more than willing to tell you how screwed up he was. So I rented the movie from Netflix and watched it … and I was amazed.

I have watched it twice now and I cannot find one shred of much information that is not factual or accurate. Beyond some idiosyncrasies in his sense of humor (they are funny); he presents very valid arguments and backs them up with documentation and interviews. He brings to light many of the things I have discovered in my own research into deceit, terrorism and the USG.

When I was a liberal (before I knew better) the only accurate information had to come from another liberal else it was a lie??? Later when I made my second mistake and became a conservative I learned the error of my ways … the truth could only be had from like ilk … so imagine my confusion when I called the neolibs and neocons for what they are and went independent. Suddenly, I have no source of valid information at all now (seemingly hehehe). I have had no success at all trying to walk the moderate tightrope between all the sharks without one side or the other dragging me down, go figure.

As far as Democrats/Republicans are concerned, their only care about the independent majority is how many they can acquire each election. But no matter which side is the best recruiter or who gets most independent votes … matters that concern the moderates will largely be ignored or sidelined and the neo-politicians will go their own course virtually unrestricted and completely unaccountable.

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on May 21, 2011

I'm primarily just hitting the "United States is the Great Satan" outroar here and just suggesting that there are no angels on either side.

I am very aware of Hitler and the parallels in some aspects of our contemporary society but its a big difference in pointing to similar methods and saying, "We are just like Hitler."

When we are having jack booted thugs kicking kids naked into gas chambers after having shot there parents in front of them and conscripting young women as teens to serve as breeders for perfect babies and exterminating ethnic populations then you can say, "The United States is as bad as Nazi Germany.".  We're not there yet.  Fascism doesn't automatically equal "Hitler".

If you make the point that we are slowly tolerating fascist-like methods in the US--I completely see the parallels and have actually toldd to my own kids about that very thing.  My view is that a lot of the voices crying, "Fascists!" would be happy and even advocate communism as its replacement.

The one value we still have at least a loose hold on now is that we have constitutionally recognized emphasis on individual freedom.  Teaching people revolution doesn't mean they understand liberty.  That's a tool used by tyrants as well--which is why I mentioned some of them.  Hitler and Mao and Stalin were all revolutionaries and addressing action against some real injustices when they began.

Here's a saying I have at home, "If you go around convinced all is darkness and devote yourself to looking for it--you always find it.".

I listened to your video above and what she said about the founders intending the people to  be the patriots--that's exactly my own point.  What's at issue is when we say, "Take action!"--what sort of action are we advocating?


on May 21, 2011

Here's a saying I have at home, "If you go around convinced all is darkness and devote yourself to looking for it--you always find it.".
Here is a saying to hang next to it. If you go around convinced that history will not repeat itself because we have become different somehow … then you do not understand the history of human kind. You go the emotional route and bring up the holocaust and such and try to compare them to today … and you have missed the whole point. As I stated, Germany was America like with democratically elected leaders, the whole modern bit … until Hitler corrupted them.  I do not think you give enough strength to the steps pointed out that Hitler went through to make this all happen. Because those same exact steps have been accomplished by the USG right now and the handwriting is on the wall. It is a warning from the past if you will listen to it. Because these same conditions all took place in Russia, Cambodia, China and many more before their insanities. But America is different … how?

on May 21, 2011

myfist0, ran across this and thought of you ... we have the same problems here too, hehehe.

You gat to love the educational system ...

on May 22, 2011

Here is a saying to hang next to it. If you go around convinced that history will not repeat itself because we have become different somehow … then you do not understand the history of human kind. You go the emotional route and bring up the holocaust and such and try to compare them to today … and you have missed the whole point. As I stated, Germany was America like with democratically elected leaders, the whole modern bit … until Hitler corrupted them. I do not think you give enough strength to the steps pointed out that Hitler went through to make this all happen. Because those same exact steps have been accomplished by the USG right now and the handwriting is on the wall. It is a warning from the past if you will listen to it. Because these same conditions all took place in Russia, Cambodia, China and many more before their insanities. But America is different … how?

Alright, this is just offensive.

Does anyone know if there is a way to block JoeUser forums from my feed? Or maybe even just a specific user (not naming any names)?

I just can't take anything you say seriously after reading this. There is absolutely nothing equivalent to the Night of the Long Knives or the Night of Broken Glass in US history. Now, normally, I try to keep my language clean on these forums, but you are either:

1) A fucking idiot,
2) Have some dumb fucking ulterior motive, or
3) Are a fucking idiot.

To trivialize such dark aspects of history is to do a disservice to all those who had the misfortune to live through them.

I am reporting this post to the forum administrators, and I truly hope to never hear from you again.

on May 22, 2011

Awesome video. Funny as hell

LoA's post was almost as funny. I love online temper tantrums 

As to my Popular Mechanics post. That would be like Cheech (PM) asked to give evidence about Chong (USG) and we the people take it as gospel. ROFLMFAO

on May 22, 2011

My last thought here--I'm not blind to history repeating itself--that's what 80% of my posts are referencing.  Yes, Americans could--given the right set of chance and circumstances--become like the Nazis--as could any country.

Where you jump off the diving board though is when you attempt to definitively say, "I see it--it's happening right now!".

It's subjective, speculative and fanciful to go, "Hmmm--someof our troops acted badly in some circumstances"..."Hmmm...we may have economic interests to have troops there--not just moral ones"..."Hmm...some of our politicians are corrupt and affecting our governement"...

Ah Ha!  They are becoming a full-blown fascist state and its happening tomorrow--rebel nooooow!

This sort of thing isn't debate or discussion--its just inflamatory and reactive.  it isn't a chain of logic and evidence--it's circumstantial and speculative.

It also is exactly the sugar that conspiracy nuts and crazies feed on.

And MyFist0--I do fully agree with you about the pairing of "Conspiracy" and "Nut" being automatically associated--sometimes there are conspiracies and not everyone looking at them are nuts.  We should question everything and demanding clear explanations and transparency is never a problem.  And, sure, the press isn't helping greatly in this.

Another of my sayings: "Australians would be sooo cute if it wasn't for their politics."

on May 22, 2011

Moved thread to a more appropriate category.

on May 22, 2011

Another of my sayings: "Australians would be sooo cute if it wasn't for their politics."
Just think myfisto, a shame you would be cute if it were not for "YOUR" politics ... better get on the ball if you need these admirers and such, hehehe.

LoA's post was almost as funny. I love online temper tantrums
It sure is, hehehe. Personally, I just post articles here and the JU gods’ place them wherever they are want to, NMP. But it is interesting to note how many comments these yo-yos make as they complain about everything herein ... USG education in full view, amazing.

Personally, I might just have to relocate to Australia soon, based on the predictions of the upcoming nuclear holocaust.

This is for all those who fear not the new nuclear order of which Iran will be the ceter of discussions.



on May 22, 2011

I do fully agree with you about the pairing of "Conspiracy" and "Nut" being automatically associated--sometimes there are conspiracies and not everyone looking at them are nuts. We should question everything and demanding clear explanations and transparency is never a problem. And, sure, the press isn't helping greatly in this
And while you are questioning everyone else ... the benign USG gets a "go past jail" card because of what ... in ones search for the truth. Sounds exactly like the same pass our religious patrons use to blanket excuse everything the bible says as un-impeachable, which is not the case either, sorry. Are you trying to say that you have Faith in the veracity of the USG?

on May 22, 2011

Moved thread to a more appropriate category.
Thank you ... whomever you are, but I do not think it will stop the moon bats from commenting complaining here, go figure. ... a more appropriate category?

on May 22, 2011

It seems that reading on their own is too difficult, maybe the picture method will do it ... it works for the other children who know everything ... too. If you think there is some magnanimous reasons from the USG to “HELP” save all those idiots from themselves … and that “OIL” has nothing to do with things … think again! Bin Laden was never even charged with the murders of 9/11 ... because there was not enough evidence to charge him ... but as is usual, the USG knew better ... so they did what all 'good' politicians do, they lie through their teeth after all the sheeple will not question THEM? Is it safe to presume that Iran is in a bad way?

Is it safe to presume that Iran is in a bad way?


on May 22, 2011

Is it safe to presume that Iran is in a bad way?

Seems a bit far-fetched. Most of those "US Military Bases" are not US bases at all. There may be a US military presence there, usually a logistic mission at a foreign military/civilian airport. The presenter would have one believe these (outside the war zone) are packed with soldiers, armor, and artillery. Most (as in the majority) of these sites are leased from the host and can be closed/removed at the their pleasure. Telling the intended audience that 20-30 (in some case fewer, much fewer) US military personnel at many these sites wouldn't be as dramatic I suppose. Some folks entertainment is another's gospel I guess. Doesn't everyone get their opinion from you tube these days???

Iran may be in a bad way, but I believe it has more to fear internally than external.

on May 22, 2011


Nitro Cruiser
The presenter would have one believe these (outside the war zone) are packed with soldiers, armor, and artillery.
He didn't have me believing it, humm. All he indicated was that we have a military presence around the country. And how would we feel if our enemies had military installations surrounding America (kind of like Cuba) … any pressure there you think? Well you try to figure it out.

Nitro Cruiser
Most (as in the majority) of these sites are leased from the host and can be closed/removed at the their pleasure.
In case you haven’t noticed, the USG doesn’t take NO very well. Why, that would be tantamount to telling my teenager NO … Poof… end of story.

The clip was actually put together to demonstrate the “moral” reasons the USG and the Coalition of the willing has for wreaking havoc in the Middle East. The film also showed well, I guess you will have to watch more to find out, hehehe. I only mentioned Iran because its fate has already been sealed. I am not supportive of everything Ron Paul has to say, but he was spot on here. I am using a lot of YouTube lately, because people on JU have such a hard time with words of more than one syllable ... so I am trying pictures.


on May 22, 2011

I am reporting this post to the forum administrators, and I truly hope to never hear from you again.
I will find you ... heheha ... you cannot hide from me!    ... whoa, what am I thinking?

on May 22, 2011
No discussion of the arguments or facts, just ad hominem attacks on the source. The only 'untainted' sources are the truthers. Sad, but hardly unexpected, and clear evidence of a lack of interest in the truth.
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