At least bring common sense to the table
… the movie – 2004 – By Michael Moore
Published on May 4, 2011 By BoobzTwo In Politics

I must confess that I actually thought I hated this man and everything he was about until I started experiencing an overload of inaccurate and fictitious information the USG keeps pounding out and calling it the truth … so I decided to try an independent review of what I thought I knew and didn’t really. So I never watched or read anything Moore was involved with but I was more than willing to tell you how screwed up he was. So I rented the movie from Netflix and watched it … and I was amazed.

I have watched it twice now and I cannot find one shred of much information that is not factual or accurate. Beyond some idiosyncrasies in his sense of humor (they are funny); he presents very valid arguments and backs them up with documentation and interviews. He brings to light many of the things I have discovered in my own research into deceit, terrorism and the USG.

When I was a liberal (before I knew better) the only accurate information had to come from another liberal else it was a lie??? Later when I made my second mistake and became a conservative I learned the error of my ways … the truth could only be had from like ilk … so imagine my confusion when I called the neolibs and neocons for what they are and went independent. Suddenly, I have no source of valid information at all now (seemingly hehehe). I have had no success at all trying to walk the moderate tightrope between all the sharks without one side or the other dragging me down, go figure.

As far as Democrats/Republicans are concerned, their only care about the independent majority is how many they can acquire each election. But no matter which side is the best recruiter or who gets most independent votes … matters that concern the moderates will largely be ignored or sidelined and the neo-politicians will go their own course virtually unrestricted and completely unaccountable.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 06, 2011

I see you do not like Moore either, is ok, we will both live. I do not particularly like the person … so I was asking for a movie review or at least some meaningful conversation. How many people do you actually know that live by the creed “do the opposite of do as I say, not as I do"? Is this silly or what … oh yea, thanks for the review. How much of your stuff are you willing to give away to prove something to an idiot ... just what I thought, me too!

My like or dislike of Moore is not the issue here, but what is more confusing is why you ask about a movie review and when given you talk as if one was not given. perhaps you didn't notice that Moore was actually the movie. The movie was based on his personal opinions, conspiracies and abilities to twist the facts in his favor to get people like you to fall for his crap. To have an opinion on this movie is to have an opinion about Moore so for you to complain about a lack of review on this movie is rather stupid to say the least. You have a weird concept of what a "meaningful conversation" since you never like what anyone says but then I now understand more clearly why after reading your "Why do you post to JU" article. I will express that understanding over there so as to avoid hearing your "stay on topic" cry.

BTW, you need to learn to let people respond to your questions before giving your "just what I thought, me too!" response since you can't seethe persons face to give such an answer.

Let's see you handle the above comments. I look forward to you fighting off all the comments above.

on May 06, 2011

I clicked on this thread thinking it was about Ray Bradbury's book Fahrenheit 451. I'm not sure how I confused "9/11" with "451" (maybe the OP had a typo?), but now I find it's about that idiot Michael Moore's equally idiotic movie.

Que sad face.

I am now of the opinion that BoobzTwo is an idiot as well.

on May 06, 2011

I don't think BoobzTwo is an idiot, a lot of people fall for propaganda.  People believe what they want to believe and when underhanded people reinforce those with falsehoods,  pseudo-facts, and spins the believers rarely look for the truth.  It's human nature. 

on May 06, 2011

it's called Blind Ignorance Xia

on May 06, 2011

    America has become a pro corporate, slightly fascist government. Anyone who thinks we went into  Afghanistan or Iraq to "bring the fight to them" is a fool. btw ..."if you don't love it leave it" comments that will surely follow only prove my point.

   MM whether you agree with him or not, is for the working man, unlike the party that got us into two wars, then made it illegal to photograph our dead soldiers coffins as they came off the planes when they landed home. 17 of the 21 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, yet that country got away without even a question. These are facts,,,,,look them up.

on May 06, 2011

SivCorp – I agree about Moors methods and personal idiosyncrasies and all because well it took me 7 years before I could override my unjustified dislike  of the man himself and actually watch it. I was a typical neocon and just never realized it … because I was duly brainwashed by the powers that be ... hook, line and sinker. The movie “Waiting on Superman” is something (topic) of great interest to me, but there are many free references such as “The Deliberate Dumbing down of America”. How did we ever survive without YouTube and such not? I would love to have this discussion, but it should be on a specific post, humm.

Psychoak – I am amazed at the ease some have of presenting what ails America along political lines. It seems that you believe only one side of the aisle is capable of honesty and straightforwardness … I do not think there is any validity in that. Surely you are not implying that the neocons and their supporters are above the political fray and don’t thrive from “a predetermined viewpoint based on some idiot he they thought was smart explaining the way something happened (without having a clue themselves) and twists, ignores, and fabricates his their way into making it reality.” Come on now … fair is fair and everyone should claim their share of lies and deceit. As far as Cuba, Gore and GW are concerned, I would be glad to talk about them … just not under a review for this movie.

Sinperium – Credibility is a relative term and is normally assigned by people with opposing views, go figure. I agree with most of your conclusions on GW, just not sure how it ended up here is all? The last time I looked at Wikipedia, they still had references to the demise of the Polar Bear, strange but true. We get into this kind of trouble because the people are willing to accept the suppositions we are presented with … instead of asking why? It seems to me that our whole country is governed by talking points veritably devoid of common sense.

Unacomn – Nice reply … right on. I have not found but a few who are willing to actually discuss this. I have found a bunch of self-professed experts who like to use talking points to justify, well everything. Logic and common sense are just not invited to the discussion, go figure.

Heavenfall – I can produce like lists for most government officials and the media, but to what point. Surely you are not implying that Bush and Co. have not straight out lied to the American people are you?  So there are factual errors huh … what about all the factual lies the USG has promoted? Just a thought mind you. Wonder what a Google search would produce if it were to ask it for a list of factual errors in the USG rendition of events.

Sinperium – At what point does a director/participant in a movie film require them to become experts first or ever for that matter? Personally, politicians and the media outlets are not valid source of expertise IMO and I would not recommend them to anyone looking for facts. That is why I am now looking for myself … the truth.

on May 06, 2011

CharlesCS – No problem here … have a nice day.

Whiskey144 - Fahrenheit 451 would be an excellent movie to review, humm. We all have opinions though, don’t we?

Lord Xia / EternalRequiem – It is astounding that only the idiots on the other side are propagandized while the right side revels in the truth … nothing but the truth, amazing insight.

Wbino – It just seems to me that although everyone claims to have all the facts … most are reluctant and unwilling to talk about them preferring to call any who disagree uninformed and properly propagandized idiots … end of their discussion skills, amazing but true, go figure.

on May 06, 2011

As I have wrote before, when a politician walks on his hands to the mic and talks out of his ass I might believe it but as it stands it's nothing but shit coming out of there mouth. Politicians should be hooked up to a lie detector that shows on a big screen behind them. No more secret meetings and back room deals, everything is public record. Until that day comes to me every politician by there nature is an all out thief and lier. Puppets to the 1% that own 99% of the wealth.

I like Michel Moores docs but I also take them with a grain of salt. It's up to the viewer to verify the facts but that can be hard sometimes when the very people being investigated have the power to greatly distort the facts or out write lie. If I had to pick between who I trusted more from George W Bush and Michel Moore, Moore would win hands down.

on May 06, 2011

America has become a pro corporate, slightly fascist government. Anyone who thinks we went into Afghanistan or Iraq to "bring the fight to them" is a fool. btw ..."if you don't love it leave it" comments that will surely follow only prove my point.

How come is it that people like you, and BoozToo, always throw in a "if you don't like it" comment in your replies? Why do you even bother commenting if you know you gonna get a reply back but you obviously don't want to be challenged? I will never understand why people like you come to places like this and even comment. Just makes no sense at all.


on May 06, 2011

MM whether you agree with him or not, is for the working man, unlike the party that got us into two wars, then made it illegal to photograph our dead soldiers coffins as they came off the planes when they landed home. 17 of the 21 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, yet that country got away without even a question. These are facts,,,,,look them up.

Have you considered the possibility that the illegality to photograph dead soldiers' coffins is because unscrupulous individuals used said photographs for slanderous or libelous purposes? Perhaps it's illegal to photograph said coffins because it causes undue distress to the families of said deceased soldiers'?

Whiskey144 - Fahrenheit 451 would be an excellent movie to review, humm. We all have opinions though, don’t we?

You're more of a naffing idiot than I thought. Fahrenheit 451 is NOT a movie you twit, it's a naffing book!

I like Michel Moores docs but I also take them with a grain of salt. It's up to the viewer to verify the facts but that can be hard sometimes when the very people being investigated have the power to greatly distort the facts or out write lie. If I had to pick between who I trusted more from George W Bush and Michel Moore, Moore would win hands down.

I'd like to point out that I wouldn't trust Michael Moore to do anything without supervision, because he's a bloody spin-doctor. I'd trust Bush more than him, because Bush actually had to get down and do the naffing work, and Moore's an outsider who's saying "teh government sux and iz liars", when he's got very little actual proof.

on May 06, 2011

   Charlies, I don't mind being challenged at all. You didnt challenge my facts. And whats with the "people like you" I'm a New Yorker, in Manhattan that day....still pissed.........

Btw Imagine the uproar if Obama sat on his ass for seven minutes while the towers burned.


on May 06, 2011


Heavenfall – I can produce like lists for most government officials and the media, but to what point. Surely you are not implying that Bush and Co. have not straight out lied to the American people are you? So there are factual errors huh … what about all the factual lies the USG has promoted? Just a thought mind you. Wonder what a Google search would produce if it were to ask it for a list of factual errors in the USG rendition of events.

I merely provided an example where the OP could find many factual errors in the movie, since he seemed to think it very solid (and it isn't). Why someone would post a comment about a movie, then proclaim he can't find any errors, without searching other sources, is beyond me.

on May 06, 2011

myfist0 – Couldn’t agree more. I didn’t pick up any D or R overtones herein, but many will insist you are just being political and reproaching only their bedfellows. I am absolutely amazed at how much some are able to glean about ones beliefs, wants, desires and motivation from a simple post. I claim no such clairvoyance, which is why I have to discover the truth of things with my own research. Guess we are new best friends now, hehehe.

CharlesCS - Your likes or dislikes are not the issues or the topic here.

on May 06, 2011

Lord Xia / EternalRequiem – It is astounding that only the idiots on the other side are propagandized while the right side revels in the truth … nothing but the truth, amazing insight.

Okay, I take it back.  Now I do think you are an idiot.  Nothing in my post was pro one side or another.  I'm a liberal Atheist in Kansas, I am a blue dot in a sea of red.  Just because I am liberal, doesn't mean I am incapable of seeing Michael Moore for what he is.  Yes, I think Fox news is as bad as Michael Moore, but this topic isn't about Fox, or Republicans, right?  It's about Michael Moores movie where he spins videos and statements to destroy a political party he doesn't agree with. As a liberal, I feel it is my duty to make sure that I stand up and tear down those that proclaim to be on my side when they are spewing falsehoods and lies.  We aren't going to get anywhere positive by listening to those types of people.  If you can't use the truth to defend your point of view, then why defend it at all? 

on May 06, 2011

Whiskey144 – I know facts are tricky for most JU bloggers … But I have the movie in my hand as I write. Maybe you could explain how a picture of a flag over a coffin could be distraughtfull to anyone … and as for slanderous or libelous purposes, get real. If Bush is your truth-sayer, woe be unto you.

Heavenfall – You got me there, hehehe. I did overstate my findings but I will try to do better. I try not to use absolutes for this very reason but they still seem to get in once in a while.

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