At least bring common sense to the table
… the movie – 2004 – By Michael Moore
Published on May 4, 2011 By BoobzTwo In Politics

I must confess that I actually thought I hated this man and everything he was about until I started experiencing an overload of inaccurate and fictitious information the USG keeps pounding out and calling it the truth … so I decided to try an independent review of what I thought I knew and didn’t really. So I never watched or read anything Moore was involved with but I was more than willing to tell you how screwed up he was. So I rented the movie from Netflix and watched it … and I was amazed.

I have watched it twice now and I cannot find one shred of much information that is not factual or accurate. Beyond some idiosyncrasies in his sense of humor (they are funny); he presents very valid arguments and backs them up with documentation and interviews. He brings to light many of the things I have discovered in my own research into deceit, terrorism and the USG.

When I was a liberal (before I knew better) the only accurate information had to come from another liberal else it was a lie??? Later when I made my second mistake and became a conservative I learned the error of my ways … the truth could only be had from like ilk … so imagine my confusion when I called the neolibs and neocons for what they are and went independent. Suddenly, I have no source of valid information at all now (seemingly hehehe). I have had no success at all trying to walk the moderate tightrope between all the sharks without one side or the other dragging me down, go figure.

As far as Democrats/Republicans are concerned, their only care about the independent majority is how many they can acquire each election. But no matter which side is the best recruiter or who gets most independent votes … matters that concern the moderates will largely be ignored or sidelined and the neo-politicians will go their own course virtually unrestricted and completely unaccountable.

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 06, 2011

If you want a list of factual errors in Fahrenheit 9/11, you need only google. I'll provide you with the first result here. 

You do realize that your link is written by the Independence Institute a conservative thinktank.

I wonder why they would be anti Moore.........hmmm


on May 06, 2011

Lord Xia - Sorry there, I didn’t realize you were so serious. Shouldn’t have grouped you with Eternal Requiem but I was getting tired of responding … guess I should slow down as should we all. In all truth, I do not really know anything about EternalRequiem either … I have trouble analyzing short rejoinders as they seem intended to oppose my views more times than not.  No reason to call me an idiot though. I live in Florida and I too am surrounded by the misinformed and likewise I am an atheist. So the only difference I see so far is that you are willing to believe that one side is more trustworthy than the other and I think they should be distrusted equally is all.

on May 06, 2011

So the only difference I see so far is that you are willing to believe that one side is more trustworthy than the other and I think they should be distrusted equally is all.

What?  No, you are taking sides, I am not.  You can't even pay attention to your own arguments.  You are so one-sided you assumed that I was a Bush supporter and everyone else is because they are not the kool-aid drinker you are and swallowing every ounce of cyanide Michael Moore feeds you.  Stop seeing everything in black and whites, with you or against you.   I say I am a liberal, I do not say I am a Democrat or Republican.  We are not the same, I might be a fiery person, but I am a capable of rational thought and refuse the kool-aid.

on May 06, 2011

Whiskey144 – I know facts are tricky for most JU bloggers … But I have the movie in my hand as I write. Maybe you could explain how a picture of a flag over a coffin could be distraughtfull to anyone … and as for slanderous or libelous purposes, get real. If Bush is your truth-sayer, woe be unto you.

1. I'm actually not a JU blogger. Or JU user, for that matter. I personally wouldn't know how a picture of a flag over a coffin would be distressful, but it's certainly something I could see.

2. You're an idiot, you realize that? Just because you think that it would be impossible for such pictures to be used for slander, libel, or other similarly unsavory actions, doesn't mean jack.

3. I never said Bush was my "truth-sayer". I said that I'd trust him more than Michael Moore, because Moore is an idiot.

As for that "woe be unto you" bit, let me tell you something.


on May 06, 2011

Quoting Heavenfall, reply 12If you want a list of factual errors in Fahrenheit 9/11, you need only google. I'll provide you with the first result here. 

You do realize that your link is written by the Independence Institute a conservative thinktank.

I wonder why they would be anti Moore.........hmmm


If you want constructive remarks, always go to those who don't agree with you. STILL, it was only the first result. The OP's lack of effort in searching for information that contradicts his viewpoint is the issue.

on May 06, 2011

Man do these topics ever bring out the name calling. To me this topic only has 1 idiot mentioned, George W Bush. Where I am from that moron wouldn't be able to get a job at a car wash. 

on May 06, 2011

Well, the thing is, nobody really cares about your country.  Sorry Canada, I'm sure it's a nice place, but don't talk shit when you sit at the kiddy table of world events.  I don't think much of President Bush either, I voted against him twice, but he was my president.  And lets face it, shit, working at a car wash is about as important as leading your country. 

on May 06, 2011

Man do these topics ever bring out the name calling. To me this topic only has 1 idiot mentioned, George W Bush? Where I am from that moron wouldn't be able to get a job at a car wash.
Yea, I noticed that too. So you are Canadian ... hello neighbor. I am searching for other blogs now, looking for some whose commentators do not begin their posts with you are an idiot or shit for brains etc. Strange how half of America is held in such poor esteem (the Cool Aid drinkers) and which half that is, is of course dependent only on one’s political affiliation, amazing that. Everyone has drunk their fair share of cool aid, but only some realize this and try to effect philosophical changes accordingly. Sadly, most just keep on chugging and following the arrows … like the good Lord Xia for example

on May 06, 2011

I don't imaging any many of you actually followed my link to the whole article ... it might have helped but I doubt it. At present, I am going to post my articles on my own blog. Them I am going to pick a paragraph and post it here with a link. I do not think the blowhards will follow me there and hopefully those who want to discuss things will. I will post the whole article above.

on May 06, 2011

Lord Xia
Well, the thing is, nobody really cares about your country.  Sorry Canada, I'm sure it's a nice place, but don't talk shit when you sit at the kiddy table of world events.  I don't think much of President Bush either, I voted against him twice, but he was my president.  And lets face it, shit, working at a car wash is about as important as leading your country. 

Well this is just plain rude. And you call yourself a liberal? I could say the same thing about Kansas.

on May 06, 2011

Psychoak – I am amazed at the ease some have of presenting what ails America along political lines. It seems that you believe only one side of the aisle is capable of honesty and straightforwardness … I do not think there is any validity in that. Surely you are not implying that the neocons and their supporters are above the political fray and don’t thrive from “a predetermined viewpoint based on some idiot he they thought was smart explaining the way something happened (without having a clue themselves) and twists, ignores, and fabricates his their way into making it reality.” Come on now … fair is fair and everyone should claim their share of lies and deceit. As far as Cuba, Gore and GW are concerned, I would be glad to talk about them … just not under a review for this movie.


There's an aisle?


It's hilarious that you use the term neocon in reference to the other side of the non-existent aisle.  I've been called one myself on various occasions by idiots like Mumblefratz.


A neocon, a short form derivation of neoconservatism, refers to a movement on the left side of the aisle, not the right.  It was the Democrats that went Reagan on the wingnut socialist party leaders who absolutely destroyed the Democratic party in the 70's.


They're Democrats that take a proactive outlook on foreign exploits.  Of course, this label fits Bush rather well, since he's a big government progressive himself and greatly increased the size and scope of government during his terms, but then you've probably convinced yourself that the guy was a right wing lunatic, so I'll be talking to a wall here.  If your ear canals do still lead to active neurons, you might like to know that the practical application of left and right in regards to the GOP and the Democratic party haven't been anything resembling accurate in a full century.


We haven't had a true right winger since Warren G Harding, even Reagan was fairly liberal in his viewpoints compared to constructionists like me.  It's why the Libertarian party exists to such a great degree, and why the Socialist party has never gained any traction.  Both major parties are on the left side of the aisle, leaving no room for the Socialist party, and nowhere for the "fuck off and leave me alone" crowd to go.


As far as claiming their share of lies and deceit, that would require a great redress of currently accepted academia.  Keynes was a complete retard.  The entire body of work built around his idiotic, nonsensical ideas that had already been disproved by multiple depressions caused by the exact same thinking, has to go away.


The money multiplier effect from government spending is myth.  There isn't one, never has been, never will be.  Wealth isn't in money, it's in production of goods and services.  When you take money out of the private sector, and put it to hand outs, the maximum possible positive effect is zero.  The why is simple, the endpoint for that money is exactly where it came from.  All government spending can do is increase the loss in the mean time, by removing it from those who produce more effectively, the people from whom the vast majority of tax revenue is collected from as a logical result of having actually gained wealth through their efforts.


Once you start with economics grounded in reality, the rest is small potatoes.  Of course, both parties are still on the wrong side of the aisle even then, but that's to be expected.  Half of them are fucking lawyers, parasite #1 draining 2% of our GDP in revenue for doing nothing of use and adding massive levels of waste to every aspect of the economy.  When someone says "kill all the lawyers" in response to a problem, it really is a good idea.

on May 06, 2011

Please look up the definition of an idiot for me will you. I'm laughing my ass off about how this turned into a bitch slapping contest. Oh the endless cycle of who's right and wrong, who's smarter and who's dumber. Who has the bigger stick... gee... I'll just stop... lol I don't feel like going into rant mode today I'd probably piss of all sides here if I did.

on May 06, 2011
1:  usually offensive : a person affected with extreme mental retardation
2: a foolish or stupid person
Compliments of Webster.  You know, it's really not that hard to look it up yourself.
on May 06, 2011

lol psychoak... I wasn't being literal... I was just wondering if the OP would actually do it, actually look it up. There are more definitions of an idiot but I won't continue.

and yes I looked it be up before hand

Also... no disrespect to anyone here chatting and arguing... but... you know what this thread looks like? It's the perfect example of the senate/congress, always arguing and almost never agreeing with anything the other party says.

on May 06, 2011

Well, they're a collection of idiots too, so it makes perfect sense.

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