At least bring common sense to the table
Intelligent Design vs. Evolution
Published on December 11, 2011 By BoobzTwo In Movies & TV & Books

Dr. Michael Behe’s example of Mt. Rushmore was particularly humorous. All he did was shift the emphasis to man’s enhancements and use that as some kind of useful example. The question should have been how the mountain got there to be carved by man … not what man did afterwards? Piss pour example if you ask me and yet these guys see “Mt. Rushmore’s” in most cellular activity, well wasn’t that a result of man … not anything more intelligent, hahaha. Take the work of man out of the picture and all you have left is another mountain which would make for another piss-pore argument. You have to love rabbits though, hehehe. Intelligent design is little more than creationism pseudoscience repackaged. Bible thumpers and goobers hahaha … perfect. Science is ever changing and improving while religion is firmly fixed in its ideas based on a two thousand year old philosophy.

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They pulled their clips (???) so I put this one here in its place, sorry. MTCAKABT

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on Oct 23, 2012

The 'blue' is from refracted light through moisture...
Glad you (someone else) mentioned this. I have made the same argument but ... since it came from me it was disregarded as usual. This is not profound, just same simple facts delivered by a different messenger. None should have been necessary …


on Oct 23, 2012

Quoting Jafo, reply 127The 'blue' is from refracted light through moisture...Glad you (someone else) mentioned this. I have made the same argument but ... since it came from me it was disregarded as usual. This is not profound, just same simple facts delivered by a different messenger. None should have been necessary …


I don't remember ever caring about what color the sky is enough to disregard an opinion on it.

on Oct 23, 2012


Reply #131 myfist0
Well said, besides the court has already made this a moot point as far as reason is concerned. We are just going to have to wait a little longer for reality to sink in to the ‘faithful only’, or just let them regress further into their mystical caves where they feel secure and safe from reality.

I don't remember ever caring about what color the sky is enough to disregard an opinion on it
You are the one who brought it up so why should it mean anything to you???

on Oct 23, 2012

Mankind itself is behind most of the plagues that it suffers from. Is politics a religion or a science?
If ignorance of the facts makes them responsible then you would be right (but wrong) then. The 'church' on the other hand knew just as little but they capitalized on the uneducated and swore it was the wrath of god which of course it wasn't. As far as I can see, this pitiful rejection of things we do know is still the mainstay of the biblical realists who cannot even Google a mouse. As far as I am concerned, politics as practiced IN America is as close to the dogmatic bigotry of the monotheistic religions as to be one with them.

"We" (people performing experiments), are doing this every day. Einstein disproved Newton's theory of gravity. I thought we agreed that "science isn't de facto"?
I am not sure we have agreed at anything yet. Besides in reality Einstein only disproved some of Descartes push-physics, adding to Newton's theories and expanding them to include new information. The math was unavailable so it was the best we could do at the time. There is nothing wrong with Newton’s theory of gravity but as in all real things, we learn more every day and then we update our information base. What we don’t do is sit around memorizing a bible waiting for shit to come to us, as if. Maybe if you could explain what you mean or want, I wouldn’t have to guess?

Oh this is as silly as can be. I do not even know what you are trying to do but this line by line nonsense will not do. I don’t dismiss much of merit but see no point in discussing nonsense. If you want to view the world around you in more than three dimensions then by all means do so. This post is not about rocket science or the cutting edge of science. It is about idiots who believe the world to be 5012 years old, hardly the cutting edge of anything.

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