At least bring common sense to the table
Part 1
Published on November 1, 2011 By BoobzTwo In Ethics

Personally I like the Book of Genesis as it makes an interesting read if one is into strange fantasy.  In The beginning there was either nothing or something depending on your point of view. It is strange but let’s take a look at the nothing concept first:
DAY 1: In The beginning there was nothing but darkness and out of the darkness came the One God who always was … in the darkness? Well eventually God became tired (?) of the darkness after however long and decided to have a go at empire building. God created the heavens and the earth from the dark nothingness. But the earth was without form however spiritually He was still able to ‘hover’ above the surface of the waters of the formless earth, some trick there. So God brought light into existence and managed to separate it from the dark somehow all the while wondering what the “????” had made Him live in the dark sooo long (at least the first half of infinity anyway).
DAY 2: This whole day was spent making Heaven to separate the waters above from the waters below. I would think that omnipotent and all-knowing could have made this whole six day process happen pronto like. As concerns the all-knowing part … why bother when you already know you will be destroying your creations anyway??? As a curiosity, I wonder where Heaven is supposed to be besides in the minds of the blind.
DAY 3: God then proceeded to gather all the water below heaven into one place so there could be land but is vague on why this displaced water didn’t flow back where it was happy. This must have been relatively easy though because there was still time on the third day to seed the entire flat earth with fruit bearing trees and grains.
DAY 4: God forgot he had already created light on DAY 1 but He created the stars anyway and placed them in Heaven so the sheeple to come could discern day from night and tell time.  Then He put the Sun and moon in the sky at the exact right distance for human life (so far unknown) to flourish.
DAY 5: God populated the earth with every living flying and swimming organism able to claim the breath of life. Now it might be pointed out here that countless animals have come and gone as well as whole species so this day I think was completely wasted or at best quite unsuccessful.
DAY 6: Here God populated the earth with all the animals and crawly things that were to exist??? This is where we come in, the sheeple. Lastly and I suppose this is where the problems creep in because he was so tired by now … He created man from the dirt and woman from man and gave them dominion over all other life on earth. How could they be given dominion over other people as there were no others?
DAY 7: God the all-powerful and all-knowing had to rest on the Sabbath to recover His weariness from creating everything from nothing out of the darkness of nothingness. Oh did I mention that in time because God was so exhausted from what should have been a finger snap, that he would have put to death anyone who is bold enough to work on Sunday, go figure. As we are just into Genesis part 2 of 50 … there is quite a bit to cover still, but I thought people would like to know how they and the entire Universe came into being is all. These are the only facts and only the facts, so help me God.

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on Jun 11, 2012

I don't understand your confusion because I am not confused???  I am sure you can explain creation (but you won't), I am sure you can explain everything in the bible (but you won't) and I am sure you can express everything in your god's mind in minute detail (this you will do) because it just happens to coincide with everything YOU believe in, sum-bitch. How am I supposed to embrace your beliefs when they are rooted in a god that doesn't exist to me (doesn’t matter why)??? I don't know what is reasonable for anyone who believes in magic of any kind. If one believes in magic then the sky is the limit, there are no bounds, no limits that cannot be crossed, no atrocity at all that can’t be justified in the name of one true god or another … just like it has always been for humans. I do not know what you expect from me besides the sacrifice of my free will and my capitulation to whatever you think is right … without a stitch of evidence???

Ps - I don't have a god issue at all (you do though) because I see all the gods as equals in every way ... I have a religion issue as in I don't need you or anyone else to 'explaining' to me why I have to believe in your or their god(s) … when I just don't???

on Jun 11, 2012

I don't understand your confusion because I am not confused???  I am sure you can explain creation (but you won't), I am sure you can explain everything in the bible (but you won't) and I am sure you can express everything in your god's mind in minute detail (this you will do) because it just happens to coincide with everything YOU believe in, sum-bitch. How am I supposed to embrace your beliefs when they are rooted in a god that doesn't exist to me (doesn’t matter why)??? I don't know what is reasonable for anyone who believes in magic of any kind. If one believes in magic then the sky is the limit, there are no bounds, no limits that cannot be crossed, no atrocity at all that can’t be justified in the name of one true god or another … just like it has always been for humans. I do not know what you expect from me besides the sacrifice of my free will and my capitulation to whatever you think is right … without a stitch of evidence???

Ps - I don't have a god issue at all (you do though) because I see all the gods as equals in every way ... I have a religion issue as in I don't need you or anyone else to 'explaining' to me why I have to believe in your or their god(s) … when I just don't???

The problem is, though, that there is an actual truth and it's objective, not subjective.  True means it's true for both of us, but you don't see the truth.  So should I let you wallow in your false world?  That wouldn't be very nice.

I don't have time to explain everything in the Bible to you.  I do have time to explain the bits that the OP was slamming.  So I did.  Just curious though, when did I express what's in God's mind?  God is a lot bigger than me.  I don't speak for Him, I speak for what I believe.  However, you believing God got tired and that it doesn't make any sense... well, you're right, that doesn't make sense, but the actual reason God rested DOES make sense. 

I don't expect you to embrace my beliefs without believing in God, but I don't see why your faith in no-God is so set.  If you believe in the God of the Bible, then you are more likely NOT to commit atrocities, not to cross the limits, not to justify your actions... it's the non-believers who get a hold of God and slander his name and lie about the contents of the Bible and what they mean.  They harness the power of the sheep of the church who don't bother to know any better than whatever is spewed from the pulpit.  The people grounded in the Word are much better off than those who just listen.

It's funny, why do you think you have free will?  There are all these historical sciences that you HAVE to believe in in order to maintain your position, and when those get disproved, there'll be a new Godless theory that you'll HAVE to believe in... With Christianity, I have hundreds of sects with slight differences to suit me.  I can be Catholic or Baptist or any number of other things depending on how I'd like to worship, my personal convictions, and other things.  You have no room for personal convictions... you're locked in.  Who really has a freedom?

I think God might have an issue with you not believing in Him, so in that way, you DO have a God issue.  If you don't believe your house has termites, and then the termites destroy your house, you still have a destroyed house without ever knowing about or believing in those termites.  In much the same way, you will be judged fairly and then destroyed for not believing in the only Name that gives salvation, which is the real purpose of Christianity.  We can argue about Genesis all you want but that's not the crux of the matter with God at all.

on Jun 11, 2012

Jythier posts:

Macroevolution leading to humans only makes sense if you eliminate God from the picture... then how could we be here? 

GFTess posts:

By god I think you got it at last! And it is called evolution.

Evolution is essentially a set of far-fetched speculations promoted by atheistic and agnostic scientists. Nothing based on fact.

 Although their views may vary, they all hold that the Universe has evolved by chance processes. According to them, somewhere between 10 and 20 billion years ago, nothing exploded into some chemical elements and by chance evolved into the Universe. At their beginning, in some form of molecular "soup", chemicals somehow came together by chance and the Earth began to form about 4.5 billion years ago.

They believe that by random chance, living cells eventually emerged and then life began to slowly diversify. Not only by random chance did chemical evolution give rise to biological evolution, but also random disorder gave way to order of ever higher complexity. Time-Life's textbook on Evolution, page 10, defines this emergence of life. Takes your breath away.  And this is the kool aid they are indoctrinating "as fact" to school children all over the world. Children are being taught that they are an advanced level of animals and there are no moral principles.

Two simple questions for you GFTess since you're sold out on evolution, hook, line, and sinker. 

How could the first living cell have emerged by itself from non-living matter?

No other life was in existence which could have served as how would it have survived?


By chance or by Creator God? 

There are no scientific gods that I am aware of

You may not be aware of the gods of Scientism, but the atheistic science establishment that holds Evolution sacrosanct surely is. 

That's why they looove Darwin, the high priest of Atheism..or one of them anyway. William Provine, an evolutionary sceintist at Cornell Univ. called Darwinism the greatest engine of Atheism devised by man. 

Darwin gave them their god, when he said that all life forms, including man are the result of a long development in time by chance, by natural selection......that nature, was created not by God, but by random chance.

Darwin was a great man and his work was invaluable to science. But as smart as he was, he was dependent on the science that was available to him ... and he was brilliant for the time.

Darwin was just a man (like me, sort of), a religious man at that. He was no god (there are none) but you are trying to make him into one for my benefit of course, just like the science gods you invent on demand, as needed. He (Darwin) pioneered the “Origins of Species“ which in time became so expanded upon that it permeated into just about every scientific field we have today and that is absolute proof that you are misinformed, big time.

Darwin was a religious man? He was supposed to have declared some kind of faith in his latest editions of Origins, but his letters disclose he went from agnosticism to atheism. He said that God had nothing to do with the creation of life, that organic matter came into being by pure chance and slowly evolved into more complex living things. 

I know Darwinism has permeated into just about every scientific field we have today...I know his influence cannot be denied. It's had disastrous consequences. There have been books galore written explaining how Darwin's Evolution Theory nurtured the philosophies of Atheistic Humanism, Communism, Marxism, Nazism, Racism etc. 

The social and moral impact of Darwin's Evolution have been horrific. If atheistic Evolution is true, then "anything goes" becasue there is no objective criteria for right and wrong or for desirable or undesirable patterns of living, or for codes of law. 

on Jun 11, 2012

The problem with the random chance is that, even giving them a billion years with a billion chances per year, the likelihood of a 0% probability event happening will always be 0.  So given 1 second or 500 gazillion years, life still didn't emerge, increasing order still didn't emerge from disorder, etc.  That's where the whole thing falls apart, and why your billion of years is so easily dismissed.  I understand probability enough to figure that out.

on Jun 11, 2012

I understand probability enough to figure that out.

Got it. Life cannot come from non-life, accepted and established scientific fact. 

That's why Darwinian evolution is one of the greatest scientific errors of all time, although the atheistic sceintific establishment passes it on as established truth. This is utter nonsense.

I know Darwin couldn't have known what modern biochemistry has presented, but he should have known better. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) was a genuine scientist and in the process of studying fermentation, he performed his famous experiment in which he disproved the theory of spontaneious generation, Life cannot arise from non-living materials. Pasteur concluded that only God could create living creatures. 

But Darwinian Evolution continues even today to be based on that outdated theory disproved by Pasteur. Why? Becasue it's the only basis on which evolution could occur. You see for them Creation becasue it has a whiff of religion is out of the question. 

Darwinian  Evolution is incoherent, the fossil record and Genetics has no proof of Evolutionism. Some of the so-called proof that has been supplied is wacxky experiments on fruit flies, and Haeckel's fraudulent drawings of embryos. And some people think Evolutionism is science. Ay-yi-yi. 



on Jun 11, 2012

You have to denounce all of them (ALL the sciences) if just one doesn’t work … but they all work and support themselves just fine … so you are either clueless or oblivious for which neither is excusable today, unless of course The Catholic Encyclopedia is your main source of misinformation. You don’t want to prove anything or else you would have at least tried by now. All you do want to do is quash everything you can blame on someone else by calling it ‘sin’ but insist on taking all credit for everything you think is good (which isn’t for mankind), just like a typical bully or common thug. You demand the respect of everyone in the world and insist we respect every nonsensical thing you believe in no matter how ridiculous it is … all the while offering nothing but disrespect for everyone who dares to disagree with you or who questions your Church’s wisdom … as well as anything they believe in too.

No one here has denounced all the Sciences. 

You don’t want to prove anything or else you would have at least tried by now.

It is not the Catholic Church but actually it is the reigning atheistic scientific establishment that does not want the truth in the debate of Origins. As far as proving anything...there is no proof of their Big Bang and macroEvolution theories. why are they asserted and proclaimed as fact?  


In the science world, their fabricated gospel of materialistic naturalism explains everything or no dice. The push behind it is to eliminate Almighty God from all facets of life and the militant atheists erect a separation between science and theology  in an effort to eliminate ALmighty God from the human consciousness.  Any science that supports Special Creation is locked out of scientific presentations and has no say. 

If you think Evolutionism is Science,  do yourself a favor and read Tom Bethell's "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Science." 

on Jun 11, 2012

Lula, there is so much different in evolution that they can say 'evolution has been proven' and be right that things do change over time, but wrong that they'll ever change into a different species... but they'll still say evolution is true.  And evolution does not deal with the origins of life - they don't know how to bridge that gap, and the more they look into life the more complicated it gets on such a teeny tiny level that even some atheist scientists have turned their backs on that position and admitted, at least, that something must have designed it.

on Jun 11, 2012

       The problem is, though, that there is an actual truth and it's objective, not subjective. True means it's true for both of us, but you don't see the truth. So should I let you wallow in your false world? That wouldn't be very nice.
        I don't have time to explain everything in the Bible to you. I do have time to explain the bits that the OP was slamming. So I did. Just curious though, when did I express what's in God's mind? God is a lot bigger than me. I don't speak for Him, I speak for what I believe. However, you believing God got tired and that it doesn't make any sense... well, you're right, that doesn't make sense, but the actual reason God rested DOES make sense.
        I don't expect you to embrace my beliefs without believing in God, but I don't see why your faith in no-God is so set. If you believe in the God of the Bible, then you are more likely NOT to commit atrocities, not to cross the limits, not to justify your actions... it's the non-believers who get a hold of God and slander his name and lie about the contents of the Bible and what they mean. They harness the power of the sheep of the church who don't bother to know any better than whatever is spewed from the pulpit. The people grounded in the Word are much better off than those who just listen.
        It's funny, why do you think you have free will? There are all these historical sciences that you HAVE to believe in in order to maintain your position, and when those get disproved, there'll be a new Godless theory that you'll HAVE to believe in... With Christianity, I have hundreds of sects with slight differences to suit me. I can be Catholic or Baptist or any number of other things depending on how I'd like to worship, my personal convictions, and other things. You have no room for personal convictions... you're locked in. Who really has a freedom?
        I think God might have an issue with you not believing in Him, so in that way, you DO have a God issue. If you don't believe your house has termites, and then the termites destroy your house, you still have a destroyed house without ever knowing about or believing in those termites. In much the same way, you will be judged fairly and then destroyed for not believing in the only Name that gives salvation, which is the real purpose of Christianity. We can argue about Genesis all you want but that's not the crux of the matter with God at all.
The only things I will answer are highlighted in yellow ... the rest is speculation biased by your religion and are meaningless or pointless to me, I am an atheist and this is not ‘Sunday School’!!!All this wasted space just to prove a point that will go completely over your head, oh well. I have free will because I can say NO whenever and to whomever I want ... I can question or believe anything I want ... and you just can't. I can laugh at everyone's magic (and I do) ... but you can only laugh at the other guys magic because your magic is the real deal ... just ask YOU huh? If you want to discuss evolution, read a book and at learn scientific vernacular so someone else can understand you.

on Jun 11, 2012

The problem with the random chance is that, even giving them a billion years with a billion chances per year, the likelihood of a 0% probability event happening will always be 0. So given 1 second or 500 gazillion years, life still didn't emerge, increasing order still didn't emerge from disorder, etc. That's where the whole thing falls apart, and why your billion of years is so easily dismissed. I understand probability enough to figure that out.
Ditto: I know how old you think the world is because you are a biblical creationist??? I would be interested where you got this higher math stuff at though, bet it would be a gas to read. What falls apart ... what is "it" that you crush with this profound witticism? Everything you do not want to believe in, you just don't, you ignore it and claim god did it. That is all you have done since you began evangelizing, to me an atheist??? Until you get past that 5,000 year old nonsense, you will not even make an effort to understand evolution which tells me you have no valid opinion concerning it. And since Genesis is so real and fuzzy and perfect for you … why would you bother … you already have all the answers you need??? Well I just need more, a lot more, but you just don't care.



on Jun 11, 2012

Thanks to your dysfunctional church, even you are prohibited from asking any questions whatsoever and are forbade to even investigate outside your circle of dis-information (ever even wonder why?).

Once again, you don't have the facts. In my reply #27, I said that the Church hasn't yet established a doctrine of Creation and until she does, if she does, Catholics are free to speculate on some things concerning Origins such as the Biblical chronology as to age; and the meaning of "Yom" it a literal 24 hour day or a long period of time? 

Since the concept of Special Creation is harmonious with the official teachings of the Church and most of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church it is the one which I favor. SC is the only one that offers a coherent basis for understanding the earliest events and quite frankly how man came to be in such a state of confusion and distress and in need of a Redeemer. 

The SC view accepts on the basis of faith in the revealed God that Scripture must be free from error and that empirical Science will never discover any empirical data which will conclusively contradict it. From the Fathers and Doctors we learn that finite man can know something about the infinite, can deduce the existence of an Unseen Designer, a supernatural dimension of existence and can discern absolute principles. I love St. Thomas Aquinas (13th Century) on Creation. 








on Jun 11, 2012

How could the first living cell have emerged by itself from non-living matter?, No other life was in existence which could have served as how would it have survived?
I have no idea at all for the first question and I don't care about the second one; when life formed it wasn't done one cell at a time and cannibalism works just fine at that level. Neither of these questions (or answers) is important or necessary to explain and understand evolution as we know it today. You have a book compiled from lore thousands of years ago. You value this book and say that each and every word is god’s word. And I say you are out of your mind. This literal interpretation was a big mistake; they should have just said it was all magic up front and that the bible was composed of god’s inspirations or whatever. Then it could have been updated as needed without the need to lie in the beginning.  Do you think those barbarians could have grasped what a fully equipped 21st century lab (with a satellite in space) could prove? I think the flick of a BIC back then would have been enough to accuse you of being a witch and a servant of the devil. Well it is the 21st century now and we have countless fully equipped labs around the world and we have satellites in space. What’s new with Christianity today? Well actually nothing for the past 2,000 years and still counting … unless memorizing the bible ‘properly’ counts. You have the same first century document that they used. You pretend to believe in that document just as they did back when the earth was still flat. And you still believe in vile witches and rampaging demons, just like they did. Everything else that we have today is the result of our failed sciences whose books are filled with guesstimates and erroneous assumptions. Well you can have your comic book and your invisible god, but I choose science and knowledge, which are just trash topics to you. Lula, you are even more clueless than most on evolutionary theory or any science that I can tell. I don’t care about your god, his book or his believers because it is just magic to me and I don’t believe in magic.

on Jun 11, 2012

Lula, there is so much different in evolution that they can say 'evolution has been proven' and be right that things do change over time, but wrong that they'll ever change into a different species... but they'll still say evolution is true. 

Yes, it's true. "Evolution" is change over time.  And that's why when debating, it's important to distinguish between micro-evolution (which is small change within kind, true and proven) and macro-Evolution (which is large scale change beyond kind, not true and thus not proven.  

We are all on the same page as far as the difference. GFTess proved that in her response # 26 to your question, reply #20. 



And evolution does not deal with the origins of life

Microevolution doesn't,  but the atheistic evolutionists took Darwin's theory and grew it from simply natural evolution to an all encompassing cosmic philosophy...sometimes called molecules-to-man evolution. 

And evolution does not deal with the origins of life - they don't know how to bridge that gap, and the more they look into life the more complicated it gets on such a teeny tiny level that even some atheist scientists have turned their backs on that position and admitted, at least, that something must have designed it.

To accommodate Darwinian Evolution, they bridged the gap with ID theory and mainly "Theistic Evolution". Theistic Evolution gives aid and comfort to Atheism by succombing to its propaganda. One of GFTess' videos was of Dr. Kenneth R. Miller, a Theistic Evolutionist.

Theistic Evolution has done a lot of damage to Christianity because it wreaks havoc on Genesis, Redemption, Original and Actual Sin, Evil and Grace. 




on Jun 11, 2012

How did life begin?

on Jun 11, 2012

Two simple questions for you GFTess since you're sold out on evolution, hook, line, and sinker. 

How could the first living cell have emerged by itself from non-living matter?

No other life was in existence which could have served as how would it have survived?

Neither of these questions (or answers) is important or necessary to explain and understand evolution as we know it today.

Yes, indeed, both questions and answers are important and necessary to understand Evolution as we know it today.  

If it weren't important and necessary why are evolutionists teaching via science textbooks and videos that 3.5 billion years ago the first living cell emerged from non-life? This lie is found there as though it was scientific truth. It makes me sick.  


Well you can have your comic book and your invisible god, but I choose science and knowledge,

Re: the highlighted....Sorry dear, but this is laughable. 

You say you choose science and knowledge but your reply here shows something different. 

Well at least now I know that your argument is never going to be about trying to show the validity of Evolution, but rather just words slamming the opponent and/or his/her pro-Genesis views. 

PS. The answer to the first question is it is impossible for life to emerge from non-life. and since #1 is impossible, #2 is irrelevant.







on Jun 11, 2012

Do you think those barbarians could have grasped what a fully equipped 21st century lab (with a satellite in space) could prove? You have the same first century document that they used. You pretend to believe in that document just as they did back when the earth was still flat.

Silly you. Can't let you get away with this nonsense. 

In the 5th century BC, Job declared the power of God when he wrote:   

"He stretched out the north over the empty space, and hangeth the earth upon nothing."  Job 26:7 


Isaias knew the earth was a globe or circle long before it was seen that way by the science of astronomy. 

"It is he that sits upon the globe (circle) of the earth and the inhabitants thereof are as locusts; He that stretches out the heavens as nothing, and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in." Isaias 40:22 (740-680 BC) 

How did Job and Isaias know the earth was a globe and hangs upon nothing before the astronomers did? By the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, who was there in the beginning of Creation,  that's how. 

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