At least bring common sense to the table
Part 1
Published on November 1, 2011 By BoobzTwo In Ethics

Personally I like the Book of Genesis as it makes an interesting read if one is into strange fantasy.  In The beginning there was either nothing or something depending on your point of view. It is strange but let’s take a look at the nothing concept first:
DAY 1: In The beginning there was nothing but darkness and out of the darkness came the One God who always was … in the darkness? Well eventually God became tired (?) of the darkness after however long and decided to have a go at empire building. God created the heavens and the earth from the dark nothingness. But the earth was without form however spiritually He was still able to ‘hover’ above the surface of the waters of the formless earth, some trick there. So God brought light into existence and managed to separate it from the dark somehow all the while wondering what the “????” had made Him live in the dark sooo long (at least the first half of infinity anyway).
DAY 2: This whole day was spent making Heaven to separate the waters above from the waters below. I would think that omnipotent and all-knowing could have made this whole six day process happen pronto like. As concerns the all-knowing part … why bother when you already know you will be destroying your creations anyway??? As a curiosity, I wonder where Heaven is supposed to be besides in the minds of the blind.
DAY 3: God then proceeded to gather all the water below heaven into one place so there could be land but is vague on why this displaced water didn’t flow back where it was happy. This must have been relatively easy though because there was still time on the third day to seed the entire flat earth with fruit bearing trees and grains.
DAY 4: God forgot he had already created light on DAY 1 but He created the stars anyway and placed them in Heaven so the sheeple to come could discern day from night and tell time.  Then He put the Sun and moon in the sky at the exact right distance for human life (so far unknown) to flourish.
DAY 5: God populated the earth with every living flying and swimming organism able to claim the breath of life. Now it might be pointed out here that countless animals have come and gone as well as whole species so this day I think was completely wasted or at best quite unsuccessful.
DAY 6: Here God populated the earth with all the animals and crawly things that were to exist??? This is where we come in, the sheeple. Lastly and I suppose this is where the problems creep in because he was so tired by now … He created man from the dirt and woman from man and gave them dominion over all other life on earth. How could they be given dominion over other people as there were no others?
DAY 7: God the all-powerful and all-knowing had to rest on the Sabbath to recover His weariness from creating everything from nothing out of the darkness of nothingness. Oh did I mention that in time because God was so exhausted from what should have been a finger snap, that he would have put to death anyone who is bold enough to work on Sunday, go figure. As we are just into Genesis part 2 of 50 … there is quite a bit to cover still, but I thought people would like to know how they and the entire Universe came into being is all. These are the only facts and only the facts, so help me God.

Comments (Page 7)
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on Jun 12, 2012

The Bible tells us ...
The bible doesn't tell US anything factual but it does seem to tell you everything you need to know. Why do I have to be open-minded when you are completely closed minded ... and there are NO historical biblical realities? A few names and a few places I will concede, but no reality. There is no 'application' to our lives until you prove there is a god somewhere ... somehow? If you want to influence me, to convince me I am wrong have a ball because I don’t care, it wouldn't be the first time (I do my best with existing data) … that’s just life. I follow the data as well as I can and will change my mind with due reflection (whenever I choose because I can … choose), but you must supply adequate proof or you are just talking magic. If I don’t understand it, I will do my own research and get back to you. Since you like to compare your god with humanity; If a man worked six days, he would just admit he was tired (just like god did) and then he would rest whenever he could ‘from the work he had done’ because he was tired. This is pretty straight forward in my book. Then you take “He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done” or "becasue in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made" and you become confused and apologetic??? The rest is scriptural nonsense but: I am still waiting for some proof that any god exists and why I should believe your myths as opposed to the other gazillion myths out there. Doesn't make sense to me.


on Jun 12, 2012

How did life begin?

To answer this a person can either believe in Creation on the basis of faith in God....

For the believer, Genesis adequately answers the question. God created life, plant, animal and human life. As far as human life,  Genesis 1: 26; 2:7 tells us when God created them male and female, He said, "Let us make man to Our image and likeness, ...and the Lord  formed man of the slime of the earth and breathed into his face the breath of life and man became a living soul

"formed" here means to make something skillfully. God Himself made the human body most perfectly out of the earth.

"Breathe of life" means the soul therefore is not made from the earth, but is the breath of God.Man becomes a living being when God breathes a soul in him. The soul is the cause of the body's life; without it the body cannot live. When the soul is separated from the body, the body dies.

 "Our image and likeness" 

The word "image" applies to the natural, and "Likeness" to the supernatural resemblance of man to God. That man has a spiritual soul which not only makes his body live but is also immortal, gifted with reason, intelligence and free will. These qualities in God are infinite while ours is finite. 


A person can believe in Evolution on the basis of faith in random chance...

For the Atheist, the Evolutionists, the makers and shakers of Evolution Theory answer this question.   It's found in Miller/Levine Science textbooks all over the world. I have a copy. The book presents a hoax paraded in scientific guise as fact.  

Direct quotes in blue: Our planet was born approximately 4.6 billion years ago as a great cloud of gas and dust condensed into a sphere. Geologists believe that the ancient atmosphere most likely contained water vapor, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and nitrogen. It may have contained ammonia and methane. 

Page 346, "Life from Nonlife". In section  16-1, you read about some experiments that disproved the hypothesis of spontaneous generation. "Hey, what's going on?" you might exclaim. The answer is simple: Today's earth is very different from the one that existed billions of years ago.  But, about 3.8 billion years ago, Earth's surface cooled enough for water to remain a liquid on the ground. Thunderstorms drenched the planet for many thousands of years and oceans began to fill. No one can say with certainty exactly when life first formed on ancient Earth.

There were no bacteria, nor was there any oxygen to break down organic compounds. As a result organic compounds could accumulate over millions of years forming that original organic soup. 

Somehow these earliest life forms appeared within half a billion years after the formation of Earth's first rocks. How might that have happened?

Next segment is entitled "The Molecules of Life" and details the 1953 Miller/Urey experiment, another icon of Evolution. Their experiment demonstrated how organic matter may have formed in Earth's primitive atmosphere and passing an electric spark  (lightning) throught the mixture, Miller and Urey proved taht organic matter such as amino acids could have formed spontaneously. (What a crock of lies our children are told; the Miller Urey experiment has been debunked, but the Evolutionists don't care about that).

So hit the soup with some lightning and voila, the first living cell emerged. 

Enter Darwin...and evolution...diversification of all life forms from a single cell...descent with changes over eons of time...from one cell to plant to fish to amphibians to reptile to mammal including man. 

PS – they aren’t my theories as I had nothing to do with their formulation … but I can read for content, try it some time.  

They aren't your theories but you believe them hook, line and sinker. With a leap of faith you take for granted that Evolution occurred and accept it without question. least that is what you have said so here. 

Over the years, I've read and studied Evolution Theory and I can assure you that the arguments in support of it have all been shown to be untenable. Evolution is portrayed as fact to be believed rather than as a hypothesis to be tested, but its crucial mechanism still is missing. If Evolution cannot occur, there is no mechanism to find. Darwin actually knew that but his Evolutionist followers refuse to acknowledge the real scientific research has gained new insights as a result of discoveries in many disciplines including biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, geology and astronomy. It is now known with a high degree of certainty that the Creator's design of DNA will not allow Darwin's Evolution that is, change beyond kind, to occur.  


on Jun 12, 2012

I am still waiting for some proof that any god exists

What I'm about to say comes from St. Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica..the pocket edition is called "My Way of Life. In it he gives 5 proofs. 

 Some think that proof must be seen or touched, but not necessarily so. We all have reason and intelligence and can appreciate intellectual evidence. Right reason can detect sufficient evidence to guarantee the existence of God.

The first proof is from casualty.  We start with the premise the universe could not be its own cause meaning it couldn't come together with all its regulating laws anymore than the most famous bridges could just happen with out a bridgemaker or a clock could assemble itself and keep perfect time without a clock-maker.

The end of a thing is the purpose for whcih it was made. The end of a clock is to keep time and the end of a pen is to write. For what purpose was man made and if we discover that we'll know his end. Look around, everything has a purpose or an end. The soil is made for plants to grow for animals and us to feed upon and from this we can easily see that everything in the world was made to serve something else.

What was man made for...anything in the world?  The answer is NO.

We see all classes or beings were created for something higher than themselves. Plants are higher than soil becasue they have life and soil does not. Animals are higher than plants because they have life and can feel and plants cannot. Man is higher than animals becasue he has reason and intelligence and can understand while animals cannot.

There must be something higher than man himself but there is nothing higher than him in the world so we must look beyond to find that for which he was made. And looking beyond and considering all things, we find man was made for Almighty know Him, to love Him and serve Him both in this world and in the next. 

On the same principle that the bridge and the clock need a maker, if there were no God, there would be no you, GFTESS to dispute or question His existence.

Your proof that God exists is just by looking in the mirror. God is love.  All the love that you feel comes from Him, not from you.

One God has 3 essences, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. 

Christ was God the Son made man and He loves each one of us deeply and personally. No matter who you are, no matter what state of life we are in. Christ cares about us. He loves us in a way we can understand. He told us this again and again. His love for us teaches us how to love others. It brings warmth to our lives and into a world that is growing cold with selfishness, greed and hate.

Christ is knocking at your door.  He wants you to open the door of your heart and let Him in.  When you are truly ready to receive Him, reverently bow your head and say His holy Name 3 times, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" and He will come in. He will produce in your soul the most wonderful result. 



on Jun 12, 2012


Reply #92   lulapilgrim
Well it seems that my telling you I didn’t know just wasn’t convincing enough for you. So you continue to tell me with bible-speak and Catholic talking points that what I don’t know can’t happen??? If you really want me to make something up … well don’t bother to ask. Are there some simpler words I can use to convince you I don’t know … my guess is probably not???

Reply #93 lulapilgrim
Bible-speak and irrational religious dogmatism just doesn’t work for me. Lula, you have pulled this nonsense out on me several times now and it is still religious mumbo-jumbo predicated on proof there is a god of which there isn't any ... proof or god.

When religious folk ponder Genesis 1 and 2, we get what we see throughout this post. Apologists trying to make them work … and they just don’t. When I look at them I see two different versions of creation that were obviously important enough to include them both. The purely human attempt to try and blend the views is obvious. And no matter what anyone believes … there was only one ‘creation’. Since both versions were included in a book described to us as the inerrant word of the Christian god by the Christians themselves in the name of their god; I can only conclude there can be no Christian god because the bible is fallible (throughout) and evidenced by a reflection of the first two … our complete and only introductions of god himself followed by the creations of the universe quark by quark as detailed in Genesis 1 and 2. Now that I think about it, quark is a relatively new man made name … so it must have been piece by piece then.

on Jun 13, 2012

When religious folk ponder Genesis 1 and 2, we get what we see throughout this post. Apologists trying to make them work … and they just don’t. When I look at them I see two different versions of creation that were obviously important enough to include them both. The purely human attempt to try and blend the views is obvious. And no matter what anyone believes … there was only one ‘creation’. Since both versions were included in a book described to us as the inerrant word of the Christian god by the Christians themselves in the name of their god; I can only conclude there can be no Christian god because the bible is fallible (throughout) and evidenced by a reflection of the first two … our complete and only introductions of god himself followed by the creations of the universe quark by quark as detailed in Genesis 1 and 2. Now that I think about it, quark is a relatively new man made name … so it must have been piece by piece then.

Ah, the alleged conflict of Genesis 1 and 2. If one examines Genesis 1 and 2 with the eyes of faith, one finds that together they form one consistent account. One reading them through the eyes of skepticism will surely find the contradiction one expects to find. 

Here is some Catholic thought on the matter. 

Father Victor P. Warkulwiz explains it very well in a book entitled, The Doctrines of Genesis 1-11. Well worth the read. 

The narrative on the creation of man in Genesis 2 supplements that of Genesis 1 with more information. Genesis 1 relates the Creation of creatures in the order of time and Genesis 2 relates them in order of significance. Man was the last creature to be created, but he is the one for whom all the others were created. 

Genesis 1 tells us God created them male and female. Genesis 2 shows that Eve was created from Adam. Very important. It makes clear that Adam was the first human and that all humans, including Eve proceeded from him. He is the prototype human person. Genesis 1:27 doesn't say that Adam and Eve were created simultaneously ,In context it only says they were created on the same day. Genesis 1:28, gives one reason for the creation of two kinds of human persons, male and female, --so that they may be fruitful and multiply. Genesis 2:18 gives another-so Adam may have a human mate with complementary characteristics becasue his nature included a desire for such. The second reason does not contradict the first reason. rather it compliments it by giving the reason why why two kinds of human persons rather than one propagate the species.

Both portrayals of Genesis 1 and 2 were obviously rendered by the same eye Witness, God. 


I would gladly discuss the rest of your OP comments but I see now that you're really not ready as your mind is shut and your heart is hardened to God and His revealed religious truth.  Your only argument is that they are unreal. But for such a position to be credible, you must provide the proofs for the unreality and show they are stronger than the proofs in their favor.  You haven't been able to prove that God, did not reveal His written word through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost upon the human writers.

I can disprove it, therefore, I do not believe it is a lawful argument. 


Creation is a fact revealed by God. We admit "evolution" is a fact within certain spheres, that is, change over time within species. Many don't call that evolution but rather selective variation or reshuffling of genes. 

As a theory, Darwin or macroEvolution from nothing certainly never has been proved.   As a philosophy, Darwin or MacroEvolution from nothing is absurd.






on Jun 13, 2012

You haven't been able to prove that God, did reveal His written word through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost upon the human writers
I know, and neither have you???

Both portrayals of Genesis 1 and 2 were obviously rendered by the same eye Witness, God.
If this is true then he was an idiot who couldn't maintain his concoction long enough to get to paragraph 2. My mind is as open as possible, I just require proof to change it and I would in a NY minute with enough of it. Someone said it was true thousands of years ago shouldn't constitute as evidence of anything besides the fact that whoever it was could write.

Yada, yada, yada … what I am not open to is evangelicalism or moral absolutes, yours are no sillier than the others. The OP was a joke (the only way I can see this), but if you want to keep this on a comical level, defend away, but I am weary of this  creation game of yours and having adequately expressed myself several times now, I will not play much longer. There are just so many biblical fish (pun intended) to fry that I cannot waste all my time on this moot point. You don’t want to discuss anything with me, you just want to tell me I am wrong about everything, tell me why I am wrong and tell me what I have to do to please you, must be because I am happy as a lark as is. Your only argument is god did it … but me, well I have arguments aplenty just because there are so many … and you have god did it???


on Jun 13, 2012

Quoting lulapilgrim, reply 95
You haven't been able to prove that God, did reveal His written word through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost upon the human writers
I know, and neither have you???

Ha, that was a typo slip....should have been ....You haven't been able to prove that God did not reveal His written word through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost upon the human writers.


The OP was a joke

Why don't you write one slamming the Islam's Qur'an? or one slamming the Talmud? 




I am weary

I will not play much longer.

I hear ya, 

Same with me. 


on Jun 13, 2012

Why don't you write one slamming the Islam's Qur'an? or one slamming the Talmud?
Because they are all one and the same to me … I don’t believe in magic (anyone’s magic) and I was raised Christian is all I can think of. And because Christianity is the only religion important to you (RCC, Inc.), and I could see no reason to discuss something we both don't believe. I know it was a typo I just couldn’t help myself.

on Jun 13, 2012

I know it was a typo I just couldn’t help myself.

Ha, ha, that's what I like about you. 

I think I call it a wrap. 

on Jun 15, 2012

Lula, I understand perfectly where you are coming from, been there done that and never going back. This is the problem: were Zeus to mystically materialize in your church and explained the facts of life, you wouldn’t believe even him just because he is the wrong god (that is just how the gods work, all of them). Maybe your god will do this himself one day, but surely not until he stops hiding from the universe too.

on Jun 17, 2012

Genesis 3 requires some real world interpretation so Noah and Co. will have to wait till next time. The serpent was the craftiest of all the wild animals having a pea brain of massive capacity.  Most today understand that snakes are ill equipped to vocalize themselves (vocal cords and all) but who taught a snake to talk and speak ‘human’(or vice versa)? God came to the garden and walked around looking for Adam and his wife who hid among the trees (there were only two people then?) and then asked Adam what he had done (asked). God didn’t know what the snake had done either. At what point does all-knowing (24/7 for our 7 billion today) enter the biblical picture? I wonder what motivated the serpent to screw over humanity anyway. Adam and woman were clueless, innocent and knowledge free, the snake was the only knowledgeable one. So god gets pissed off again and meets out his just punishments.

TO The snake that knowingly deceived him through Adam through woman, well he was punished by having to live out the remainder of his life … as a snake … humm, and snakes are carnivorous reptiles??? Did you know that ALL the animals created in their present form were vegetarians prior to this event … in their present form mind you???

TO Eve he gifted her with birthing pains and that she submits herself to suffer her husband’s desires … a slave. Now I am not sure how it could be otherwise, decree or not, but you just try passing a professional football sometime and tell me there is some painless way to go about it.

TO Adam he said he had to work for a living and eat normal vegies. And that he would eventually die. Then after god made them some clothes out of skin (animal skin?) as a parting gift, then they were kicked out and the rest is biblical history.

TO the rest of mankind … not sure they were mentioned in this section but somehow we were all included, forever??? There is no mention of Lucifer, Satan or the devil in here either???

Next - Noah's Ark - Got to love the gay rainbow, hahaha.

Ricky Gervais on Noah's Ark

on Jun 17, 2012

Just to put a little humor on things to ease all the pent up rage some may be experiencing. I will get serious shortly.

Billy Connolly tells the BEST joke EVER!


on Jun 18, 2012

Post 101 was a joke, too, right?

on Jun 18, 2012

Post 101 was a joke, too, right?
Naw ... that one was serious ... just humorously delivered. The clip was just a preview of what is coming soon. Did I make an error???

on Jun 18, 2012

You allowed a contradiction to stand instead of resolving it again.

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