If there is any truth (doubtfully) about this cost cutting brouhaha bandwagon everyone is supposed to be on, then a very simple start would be NOT to increase the Debt Ceiling and actually force these megalomaniacs to cut SOMETHING! If we authorize more money, it will be spent and we will be fed more hogwash about the dire necessity to prevent us (them) from bankruptcy or other such gobbledygook; in other words … business as usual. Look around this site and be amazed at our own stu...
Local Talk Radio this morning (WOKV 106.5 FM) had a great story about another starving and misunderstood burglar practicing Obama’s State policy of spreading the wealth around. Upon entering the premises (a trailer), said miscreant was interrupted absconding the personal effects of the owner of a Pit Bull who took exception to the claim. Seemingly after a short communication, the idiot decided the DOG was right after all and made a hasty exit throu...
We only have 2 political parties in America which limits our choices, don’t you think? Republican (conservative) and Democrat (liberal) are the only options. I would need a whole article on those that think they are in the middle. We all have to work within this restraint as best we can. For the life of me though, I cannot think of any bastion in the Democrat Party at all, that I could work with. I do not like their destructive political practices...
Well it is closing on election time and this is going to be one grand time indeed. Cries of ‘racism’, ‘It’s Bushes Fault’ and ‘It’s For the Children’ will start coming out of the woodwork. They already have in fact. But what seems to be the norm and worse around election time is that too much high octane camouflage is being spewed by all involved and the real problems and their root causes are all but for...
I have been harangued for being a Republican Party hack on almost every article I have written, for what purpose I know not. As I see it, there is a right side, a left side and the middle. Don’t you have to pick one? But I place all three groups on the left side of the scale at present in the degrees one would expect. I did not abandon the Republican Party; they abandoned me when they decided to use the Democrat Party pla...
How can you blame a Progressive Liberal for acting well, like Progressive Liberals? I finally figured it out though, Liberals I mean. That is no simple task because you cannot use actual facts in this endeavor. The idea came to me when I was trying to talk to a child about global warming. When I was done, I was asked what we were going to do to save the polar bears we were killing. Then I remembered a conversation I had with my Mother ...
I am going to do a series of articles based on … you guessed it … stuck on stupid and why we seem to be unable (unwilling?) to break the habit so to speak. The first article will be on health care (for all) system and the absolute impossible stupidity we are endeavoring to bequest to our children for their continued sufferance. ...
Our political machine is completely broken and out of control. Bernard Goldberg put it best with the title of one of his books, “Crazies to the Left of Me and Wimps to the Right of Me”. I would imagine that most (rational) Americans fall in the middle here. This insane phenomenon has permeated all branches and levels of Government including the Executive, Judicial and Legislative. It is my belief that this internal degradation is fermented foremost by the power of the almighty $$$ to corr...